International Planned Parenthood Federation

The main points of the case Just like any other social affair organization, International Planned Parenthood Federation was confronted with serious operational and funding challenges despite being launched to improve and increase the level of service delivery to approximately 152 associate member countries. Prior to the adoption of the performance initiative which aimed at providing … Continue reading “International Planned Parenthood Federation”

Alcohol Related Violence

Background of the research Alcohol related violence is a harm that is related with alcohol consumption more specifically among the youths and is an area that is of great concern for the community and the governments across the globe. The initiative of developing initiatives and policies which attempt to influence the drinking habits has become … Continue reading “Alcohol Related Violence”

Forecasting In Operational Management

Forecasting Forecasting is a planning tool that assists the managers from different organizations and businesses in coping up with uncertainty in the future while relying on data from the analysis trends, data from the past and in the present. The forecasting process is normally based on the management knowledge, experience and judgment. Controlling and planning … Continue reading “Forecasting In Operational Management”

Tesla Global Crisis Management

Background of the study Tesla Motors Company was founded in 2003 by Mare Tarpenning and Eberhard. The company manufactured and designed high end electric motor vehicles. Tesla Roadster was the first electric sport vehicle that was manufactured by the company. Unlike other motor vehicles company in United States, the California based company decided to launch … Continue reading “Tesla Global Crisis Management”

Technology and Culture

Question: 1 Machine deep learning is an artificial intelligence used by scientists in various machines applications to recognize words and objects in a different perspective in order to avoid harmful conclusions from the devices and application users. Through the artificial intelligence the machines and application platforms are taught how to recognize pattern of data and … Continue reading “Technology and Culture”

Pepsi Soft-Drink Company

Background of the study After Pepsi Company had remained the long serving client for the Super Bowl, it made one of the greatest decision and choice of withdrawing it advertisement loyalty from the company. The Pepsi company customers were also amazed by the move because they were used to the cultural experience where the company … Continue reading “Pepsi Soft-Drink Company”

Microsoft Corporate Social Responsibility

In the recent research in regard to Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) multinational companies such as Microsoft, the company was rank number one in fulfillment of its role as a company of citizenship. Unlike other big companies in the globe, Microsoft Company normally releases its corporate social responsibility report every year (Dudovskiy, 2015). The report usually … Continue reading “Microsoft Corporate Social Responsibility”

Islamic University of Surabaya

Introduction Development and introduction of business and entrepreneurship program in the Islamic University of Surabaya in Indonesia would be a transformation process for the university, market and an opportunity for the undergraduate students seeking to enroll in the course to tap the opportunities in the business world. In comparison to University of Riau in Indonesia … Continue reading “Islamic University of Surabaya”

Literature on Positioning in Marketing Strategy

Introduction Market positioning is an effort by the company to influence the consumers’ perception in regard to a product or the company’s brand relative to their perception in regard to the competitors’ products and brands in the market. The function of market positioning is ensure that the company’s product and brand occur the minds of … Continue reading “Literature on Positioning in Marketing Strategy”

HIV cure is a step closer after scientists make gene editing breakthrough

Gene editing is the recent HIV cure breakthrough in the scientific research techniques. The technique has enabled the scientists to shear the HIV virus from the human cells. Over the years, the American scientists have made great efforts in finding cure for the HIV using the gene editing techniques. After numerous years of research, the … Continue reading “HIV cure is a step closer after scientists make gene editing breakthrough”