Big Data Cyber Security Analytics

Research topic: Big Data Cyber Security Analytics Background: According to Gartner a research firm, Big Data analytics will play a fundamental role as far as Cyber security is concerned. The Cyber Security analytics of Big Data would enable the organizations to sift their massive organizational data in order to maintain data security. By considering the … Continue reading “Big Data Cyber Security Analytics”

Journals Reflection on HTML

According to Andy Carvin, HTML refers to a standardized system and language for establishing Web pages. It enables the web users to use codes and symbols in the web browser to express files and images. The standardized system is used to achieve hyperlink, graphic, color, font and graphic effect on the World Wide Web pages. … Continue reading “Journals Reflection on HTML”

data normalization

  From the response of the first student, I think that in order for us to continue expanding our databases and all of its features, the information gathered from components of relational model, integrity constraints and data normalization should be used together. This is because the information provided by these topics helps in understanding the … Continue reading “data normalization”

Food Insecurity in Australia

Task A Introduction: Food insecurity defines a condition to which constant access to enough food is limited due to lack of resources such as money within a given period (Bell et al., 2015). Therefore, an individual or people may not live actively as well as healthy, or have the conviction of obtaining food in a … Continue reading “Food Insecurity in Australia”

Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity

I do agree with Oprah Winfrey the famous American show talk host saying, because proper preparation for an opportunity is a fundamental key to success rather than luck (Chang, 2011). I also agreed with the saying because preparation is more important in the world for every man who succeed or the one who fails. My … Continue reading “Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity”

US History on American democracy

American democracy has never been static but it has always been evolving since the declaration of independence, the bill of rights and enactment of the constitution. Over the years, the meaning of democracy being exercised has been shifting from time to time. The civil wars in America were a watershed to the country’s democracy evolution … Continue reading “US History on American democracy”

Project Charter

Project charter is a form document which authorizes the commencement of a project once it is selected. It is sometimes called project initiation or authorization document. In the document, the stakeholders provides the go ahead and commits funds to the selected project. It reviews the critical parameters and conditions for the project and creates a … Continue reading “Project Charter”

NASA social media platforms

Overview of the organization Despite the fact the social media has for long been used by organizations to stir online exposure and digital presence in the society, NASA adoption of social media in 2008 aimed at finding a social presence in an attempt to increase the company’s exposure to the world. The company aims at … Continue reading “NASA social media platforms”

The origin of the Alligator – horse

Introduction The real origins of the horse-alligator in 1812 were the conflicts between the Great Britain and United States. Given that Canada was a colony of Great Britain it was swept into the war and in most cases it was attacked by the Americans.  The war was as a result of the conflicts which raged … Continue reading “The origin of the Alligator – horse”

Wonnarua Winery Loan Application

Wonnarua marketing activity Wonnarua Company was born with authentic desired to establish a well grown Australian wine. The company aims at establishing a product that is well crafted and which is environmentally friendly. In order to achieve this, the company’s management ensured that it employed a team of expert employees. Over the last three years, … Continue reading “Wonnarua Winery Loan Application”