Legislation for Change in U.K. Policing

Mohammed The election of Police Crime Officers, PCC, can yes indeed be a very exceptional way of developing a more efficient community-police relationship. The introduction of Police Crime Commissioners much allows the public to have a hand in deciding on how their area is policed and there is indeed no doubt about its effectiveness for … Continue reading “Legislation for Change in U.K. Policing”

The application of Air Power in Domestic and Global Operations

One binding and common belief that we share with our friends, and surprisingly enemies, is the need to be stable, peaceful and orderly as it pertains the security of our national interests.  We all look at staging a ground towards achieving all these vital interests. This speech candidly addresses the application of Air Power in … Continue reading “The application of Air Power in Domestic and Global Operations”

Juvenile Diversion Programs

Explain how society in America values Juvenile Diversion Programs A diversion program is a kind is sentence within the criminal justice system that sends the criminal offender to a rehabilitation program in the aiming of helping the criminal offender to remediate their behaviour leading to an original arrest thus avoiding them getting convicted and having … Continue reading “Juvenile Diversion Programs”

The Reconstruction

Reconstruction is the historical term used to refer to the period between 1862 and 1877 in the history of America. During the reconstruction, the United States of America much endeavored in bringing some much needed order from the towering political, social, physical, economic and constitutional changes that were brought by the civil war and secession. … Continue reading “The Reconstruction”

Hiring Dilemma: The Right Hires at the Right Time

Just like other decision making processes, hiring is a process that should and must be carefully and professionally under taken lest there be a loss in the hiring process for getting the wrong people at the right time, the right people at the wrong time, or hiring the wrong people at the wrong time too. … Continue reading “Hiring Dilemma: The Right Hires at the Right Time”

American History II – World War II

The early American year’s show the country as one in which most of all the political leaders and so governments were very reluctant and of less or no concern in involving the federal government too much and heavily in the societal economic issues, with very little federal government involvement witnessed in the private sector. The … Continue reading “American History II – World War II”

Personal Statement for Doctor of Nursing

I am very delighted to practice professional nursing and seeking a Doctor of Nursing practice I believe will present me with an opportunity to broaden my knowledge in nursing in order to practice at a higher level of the same. Improving the nursing practice for me is aimed at the Adult Gerontology primary care nurse … Continue reading “Personal Statement for Doctor of Nursing”

Reductions in World Trade Barriers

In an effort to regulate and control international economic positions, governments use trade policies to actively gain control over imports and exports. The imports are most affected with the use of trade barriers like tariff and non tariff international trade barriers. With such barriers, trade among nations towards a global economy has been hard to … Continue reading “Reductions in World Trade Barriers”

Progressive Era in America

In the history of the United States of America, the Progressive Era spans between the 1890s and the 1920s. It is an era that was characterized by intense political and social reforms that were intended towards making a better all-inclusive equal society. The reformers in the Progressive Era were much after harnessing the federal government … Continue reading “Progressive Era in America”