Thucydides declares that Nicias was “a man who, of all the Hellenes in my time, least deserved to come to so miserable an end, since the whole of his life had been devoted to the study and practice of virtue” (7.86). How does Thucydides develop Nicias as a tragic figure, and how does Thucydides utilize this figure within his narrative of the Athenians’ disastrous Sicilian expedition? In your response, focus upon the text of Thucydides, but engage too with the Trojan Women in order to identify contemporary Athenian understandings of the tragic (begin with Hecuba’s speech, 1156-1206).

At the end of book seven, Thucydides declares that Nicias was “a man who, of all the Hellenes in my time, least deserved to come to so miserable an end, since the whole of his life had been devoted to the study and practice of virtue” (7.86). How does Thucydides develop Nicias as a tragic … Continue reading “Thucydides declares that Nicias was “a man who, of all the Hellenes in my time, least deserved to come to so miserable an end, since the whole of his life had been devoted to the study and practice of virtue” (7.86). How does Thucydides develop Nicias as a tragic figure, and how does Thucydides utilize this figure within his narrative of the Athenians’ disastrous Sicilian expedition? In your response, focus upon the text of Thucydides, but engage too with the Trojan Women in order to identify contemporary Athenian understandings of the tragic (begin with Hecuba’s speech, 1156-1206).”

How does the Frontline Episode “Top Secret America” demonstrate the inherent tension between the competing values of liberty and order? Why are these political values competing, and how is this competition illustrated in the film? Should one particular value “win”? Why or why not?

Answer the following prompt in 2-4 pages.  You must watch the Frontline episode (link below) in order to answer the prompt. Answers should be in essay format (no bulleting or outlining), typed, double-spaced, use 10-12 pt. Font and normal margins.  Frontline episode. Please watch before answering the prompt: How does the Frontline Episode “Top … Continue reading “How does the Frontline Episode “Top Secret America” demonstrate the inherent tension between the competing values of liberty and order? Why are these political values competing, and how is this competition illustrated in the film? Should one particular value “win”? Why or why not?”

Describe how a nurse should monitor a client following a prescribed treatment regime, including pharmacology, in order to obtain a quality patient outcome and identify specific warning signs that may require intervention.

Imagine your supervisor has asked you to conduct a lunch and learn session to educate your fellow nursing staff on pharmacological interventions. Preparation Select a disease or health condition that requires pharmacological intervention. You may choose any disease or health condition you wish, but the disease or health condition must be relevant to nurses from … Continue reading “Describe how a nurse should monitor a client following a prescribed treatment regime, including pharmacology, in order to obtain a quality patient outcome and identify specific warning signs that may require intervention.”

International business across borders- China or Australia

This assignment’s purpose is to perform a country analysis and assessment of a new emerging market where rapid GDP growth has created attractive investment opportunities. You are required to pick one of the following countries and perform an assessment of its potential and opportunity for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Countries: China, India, Russia, Thailand, Indonesia, … Continue reading “International business across borders- China or Australia”

You have been hired as an expert in cybercrime by the CSO of a big bank. CFO briefs you and wants you to prepare a report on cybercrime trends in order to prepare with mitigating the risk. He wants you to utilize reports in cybercrime provided by Internet Crime Compliant Center (IC3) which is party of FBI. 

You have been hired as an expert in cybercrime by the CSO of a big bank. CFO briefs you and wants you to prepare a report on cybercrime trends in order to prepare with mitigating the risk. He wants you to utilize reports in cybercrime provided by Internet Crime Compliant Center (IC3) which is party … Continue reading “You have been hired as an expert in cybercrime by the CSO of a big bank. CFO briefs you and wants you to prepare a report on cybercrime trends in order to prepare with mitigating the risk. He wants you to utilize reports in cybercrime provided by Internet Crime Compliant Center (IC3) which is party of FBI. “

Separated: Children at the Border

Response to classmate’s post on discussion board Title – Separated: Children at the Border  – July 31, 2018       Template for Analyzing the Video The questions below are to be used as the framework for responding to at least one of your classmate’s posting.  That is, select a posting … Continue reading “Separated: Children at the Border”

Autism Spectrum Disorders

This reflection paper should be approximately 6-10 pages, excluding the title page and reference list. This paper should follow APA style (6th ed). To demonstrate application of knowledge gained during this course, reflect on a professional or personal experience you have had with an individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Think about how your increased … Continue reading “Autism Spectrum Disorders”

Create a Digital Marketing Plan for an Irish SME business / organisation based in tge border regionof your choice.

Group Project. Integrated Marketing Plan   4,000 to 5,000 words.   Create a Digital Marketing Plan for an Irish SME business / organisation based in tge border regionof your choice.   At a minimum, your report should consider the following:-   Situation Company background / situation analysis including an analysis of the company’s marketing environment … Continue reading “Create a Digital Marketing Plan for an Irish SME business / organisation based in tge border regionof your choice.”

You are VP Business Development at Dollarama and are responsible for all new market expansion. Over the course of the last year it has become increasingly clear that your CEO and Board of Directors feel that they have saturated the Canadian marketplace and must begin looking at expanding beyond domestic borders.

Dollarama – Expansion Strategy 16 to 17 powerpoint slides not pages with these much words You are VP Business Development at Dollarama and are responsible for all new market expansion. Over the course of the last year it has become increasingly clear that your CEO and Board of Directors feel that they have saturated the … Continue reading “You are VP Business Development at Dollarama and are responsible for all new market expansion. Over the course of the last year it has become increasingly clear that your CEO and Board of Directors feel that they have saturated the Canadian marketplace and must begin looking at expanding beyond domestic borders.”

There are several ways to measure the health status of a community or an entire population. In order to understand the implications of legal and regulatory policies in health care promotion and wellness, it is mandatory to analyze the impact of the social needs of local populations on their health care issues.

Health Care and Its Related Issues There are several ways to measure the health status of a community or an entire population. In order to understand the implications of legal and regulatory policies in health care promotion and wellness, it is mandatory to analyze the impact of the social needs of local populations on their … Continue reading “There are several ways to measure the health status of a community or an entire population. In order to understand the implications of legal and regulatory policies in health care promotion and wellness, it is mandatory to analyze the impact of the social needs of local populations on their health care issues.”