Choose a specific field with respect to European borderland studies and produce a critical synthesis of the state of research in that field.

Choose a specific field with respect to European borderland studies and produce a critical synthesis of the state of research in that field. Find at least 3 sources (articles/book chapters). Identify central arguments and scholarly disputes, assess weakness and strengths in different studies, and suggest possible topics for further research. As a case for research … Continue reading “Choose a specific field with respect to European borderland studies and produce a critical synthesis of the state of research in that field.”

Consider the ways in which borders & boundaries are utilized in the below written text with particular attention to the representation of diaspora ?

Question-Consider the ways in which borders & boundaries are utilized in the below written text with particular attention to the representation of diaspora ? Remember to construct s coherent argument that answers your question & provides evidence from the primary text & other critical and /or theoretical sources . The texts to be compulsory used … Continue reading “Consider the ways in which borders & boundaries are utilized in the below written text with particular attention to the representation of diaspora ?”

Critically discuss the view that the hosting of Mega Events is good value in order to transform destinations

MODULE LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1.Critically analyse the characteristics of mega events 2. Assess and evaluate the political motivations for staging mega events 3. Evaluate a range of event impacts and how these can be effectively managed in relation to a variety of stakeholders ASSIGNMENT TASK: Critically discuss the view that the hosting of Mega Events is … Continue reading “Critically discuss the view that the hosting of Mega Events is good value in order to transform destinations”

Draw the timeline that illustrates the timing of all the events of the situation described above. How much will Bob and Carol need to have in the bank on the day the baby is born in order to achieve all their goals? What amount needs to be saved at the end of each year in order for Bob and Carol to reach their financial goals?

Instructions Bob and Carol are planning for the birth of their first child exactly four years from today. They are now ready to start their savings plan for the big event. The current hospital cost for having a healthy baby at the local hospital is $6500 after all insurance payments. Pre-natal care for the immediate … Continue reading “Draw the timeline that illustrates the timing of all the events of the situation described above. How much will Bob and Carol need to have in the bank on the day the baby is born in order to achieve all their goals? What amount needs to be saved at the end of each year in order for Bob and Carol to reach their financial goals?”

Theme of Border: A Journey to the Edge of Europe by Kapka Kassabova

We identified themes for the sections of Border. Part one was magic, part two was displacement, part three was loss, part four …yet to be identified. Complete your reading of the book, think about a theme for part four, and using one of the themes, trace it through the book. How does Kassabova evoke the … Continue reading “Theme of Border: A Journey to the Edge of Europe by Kapka Kassabova”

You have decided to examine the impact of personality on memory in older adults for your dissertation. In order to examine personality, you have elected to measure this construct using the Ten Item Personality Measure (TIPI, Gosling, Rentfrow, & Swann, 2003) which has been used in other studies examining personality. 

TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS You have decided to examine the impact of personality on memory in older adults for your dissertation. In order to examine personality, you have elected to measure this construct using the Ten Item Personality Measure (TIPI, Gosling, Rentfrow, & Swann, 2003) which has been used in other studies examining personality. 1. Explain … Continue reading “You have decided to examine the impact of personality on memory in older adults for your dissertation. In order to examine personality, you have elected to measure this construct using the Ten Item Personality Measure (TIPI, Gosling, Rentfrow, & Swann, 2003) which has been used in other studies examining personality. “

Describe at least four different types of network security defenses that mobile operating systems provide in order to keep personal data safeguarded. Also, answer the question of who is ultimately responsible for securing personal data: the operating system vendor, or those who own the device hosting the operating system?

Mobile devices have become the de facto standard for communication. Almost all adults in first world countries use one or more mobile devices for work, entertainment, and communication. This means that there are many more devices on a given network and the Internet as a whole, further establishing the fact that there are many more … Continue reading “Describe at least four different types of network security defenses that mobile operating systems provide in order to keep personal data safeguarded. Also, answer the question of who is ultimately responsible for securing personal data: the operating system vendor, or those who own the device hosting the operating system?”

When is a child’s communication considered delayed? What are speech disorders and how are they characterized? What is a language disorders? How does it affect language development and education? How does a speech language pathologist help children with communication disorders? Explain.

Conduct research on the topic of learning disability of American children and address the following in a 2-3 page Word document: When is a child’s communication considered delayed? What are speech disorders and how are they characterized? What is a language disorders? How does it affect language development and education? How does a speech language … Continue reading “When is a child’s communication considered delayed? What are speech disorders and how are they characterized? What is a language disorders? How does it affect language development and education? How does a speech language pathologist help children with communication disorders? Explain.”

What was the purpose of the Durand line in 1893, and what is its impact on security and identity of people on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan?

What was the purpose of the Durand line in 1893, and what is its impact on security and identity of people on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan? The aim of the Preliminary Literature Review is to help you make a first step towards building the literature review section of your actual dissertation: it is … Continue reading “What was the purpose of the Durand line in 1893, and what is its impact on security and identity of people on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan?”

Job-Order Costing Project

You work for Thunderduck Custom Tables Inc. This is the first month of operations. The company designs and manufactures specialty tables. Each table is specially customized for the customer. This month, you have been asked to develop and manufacture two new tables for customers. You will design and build the tables. This is a no … Continue reading “Job-Order Costing Project”