Outside my metro there are always homeless people. This is especially horrible in poor weather. I might put into question why this has to happen. I would be doubting that it has to happen. Isn’t there another way?

For this forum we want to focus on the notion of doubt. Normally, we tend to think that doubt is a bad or negative thing; in school for example, we strive for the right answers; in normal US daily activity, we try to get things done, be productive, and proceed with our activities. “Doubt” is … Continue reading “Outside my metro there are always homeless people. This is especially horrible in poor weather. I might put into question why this has to happen. I would be doubting that it has to happen. Isn’t there another way?”

As such, for your final assignment, it will be your job to compare and contrast two authors as they pertain to one of the following subjects: ” God/the nature of the divine ” Evil, and the source of evil in the world ” Morality ” Happiness or the human good ” Justice or the role of government

Over the course of the semester, we have read a number of different texts that cover several major themes and topics. Of course, no author’s view is identical to another’s, so it is up to us, as readers, to come to our own conclusions about which of the authors we covered have more plausible views. … Continue reading “As such, for your final assignment, it will be your job to compare and contrast two authors as they pertain to one of the following subjects: ” God/the nature of the divine ” Evil, and the source of evil in the world ” Morality ” Happiness or the human good ” Justice or the role of government”

Are social media truly social? Why or why not?

• The minimal length of the paper is 7 pages (using the template). Short papers will result in a deduction of 10% per page short or prorated for any portion of a page that the paper is short. • The paper length does not include title page or bibliography. • No information such as name/question/date, … Continue reading “Are social media truly social? Why or why not?”

You need an argument that is publicly accessible (preferably on the internet) and that commits a fallacy. Once you have located an argument that commits one of the fallacies, you will write a short article that analyzes the argument.

Argument Medic: Guidelines for writing You need an argument that is publicly accessible (preferably on the internet) and that commits a fallacy. Once you have located an argument that commits one of the fallacies, you will write a short article that analyzes the argument. Your article, which should be modeled on the posts at the … Continue reading “You need an argument that is publicly accessible (preferably on the internet) and that commits a fallacy. Once you have located an argument that commits one of the fallacies, you will write a short article that analyzes the argument.”

Company Profile

Company Profile (CP) – Read the ENTIRE document carefully Section 1. Company Selection (1+ full pages) Identify the company you have selected. Include an explanation of your selection criteria. In other words, why did you pick this company. Outline the sources you have explored in your preliminary research. Provide an overview of your plan to … Continue reading “Company Profile”

How should the distinctive features of Millenials and ‘GenZ’ impact upon the practices of evangelism today?

Referencing: Chicago. Word count: Strict 6000 words (including footnotes); exclude title page, abstract, bibliography and appendices, if any. Abstract of max. 200 words. Christian Theology, evangelical perspective. Bibliography: 35-40 books, plus 5-8 journals, plus 5-10 websites. Main points in assignment: 1 What are the distinctive features of Millenials? 2 What are the distinctive features of … Continue reading “How should the distinctive features of Millenials and ‘GenZ’ impact upon the practices of evangelism today?”

You can study one aspect of your writing process, in a limited way, without needing to do the kind of full-on studies that Alcir Santos Neto and Sondra Perl do. Select one element of Neto’s process coding (for example, Planning or Questioning or Citations), and, following his method for noting how much time is spent on a given activity, see what proportion of your writing time is spent on it. Write an analysis, explanation, and reflection on the results. Does the result surprise you, or not? Why?

You can study one aspect of your writing process, in a limited way, without needing to do the kind of full-on studies that Alcir Santos Neto and Sondra Perl do. Select one element of Neto’s process coding (for example, Planning or Questioning or Citations), and, following his method for noting how much time is spent … Continue reading “You can study one aspect of your writing process, in a limited way, without needing to do the kind of full-on studies that Alcir Santos Neto and Sondra Perl do. Select one element of Neto’s process coding (for example, Planning or Questioning or Citations), and, following his method for noting how much time is spent on a given activity, see what proportion of your writing time is spent on it. Write an analysis, explanation, and reflection on the results. Does the result surprise you, or not? Why?”

Researched Opinion Editorial

Opinion-Editorial Assignment An op-ed is an opinion piece that presents an informed view on a newsworthy topic, emphasizing the author’s insight and unique expertise. They are opinion pieces, but facts, statistics and anecdotes help to shore up the argument and lend colour. The op-ed page of a newspaper (literally, opposite the editorial page) is usually … Continue reading “Researched Opinion Editorial”

Letter to an Elected Official

Letter to an Elected Official Note: There are two parts to this written assignment, a background analysis and a formal letter. In order to receive full credit for the assignment, you must submit both parts. Think of a political issue that is important to you. The issue should be currently debated nationally and covered by … Continue reading “Letter to an Elected Official”

Should You Believe a Statistical Study

We are bombarded by statistical information from a wide variety of sources. Much of the statistical research performed in the world is conducted with a great deal of integrity, validity, and reliability. However, there are many statistical studies that are conducted that are—whether intentionally or unintentionally—plagued by bias. As a member of society, and as … Continue reading “Should You Believe a Statistical Study”