Consider that you are a Healthcare Informaticist. You have been asked to evaluate the current internal workflow and make a recommendation regarding the workflow, communications, protocol and architecture required in order to select a new healthcare information system for a hospital, clinical department or other provider entity.

Consider that you are a Healthcare Informaticist. You have been asked to evaluate the current internal workflow and make a recommendation regarding the workflow, communications, protocol and architecture required in order to select a new healthcare information system for a hospital, clinical department or other provider entity. The project will be a paper 5 pages … Continue reading “Consider that you are a Healthcare Informaticist. You have been asked to evaluate the current internal workflow and make a recommendation regarding the workflow, communications, protocol and architecture required in order to select a new healthcare information system for a hospital, clinical department or other provider entity.”

Do border children have rights? Should they? On what do you base your opinion? If you feel they have rights, what rights? Be as specific as possible. Justify your answer with relating current events to the treaties.

The news has been full of issues on the border children. Immigration is one issue that is complicated. We are not going to focus on politics or immigration in this assignment – we are going to have you focus just on the human rights issues of the children and youth. Focus on the children, not … Continue reading “Do border children have rights? Should they? On what do you base your opinion? If you feel they have rights, what rights? Be as specific as possible. Justify your answer with relating current events to the treaties.”

select any fictional character (a television or movie character, cartoon, novel etc.) who you believe has a clinical disorder (chapter 15 of your text). Prepare a written report on that character, including the identification of symptoms that reflect one of the specific disorders from the text, some discussion of possible causes and treatment recommendations.

This paper must have a minimum of 1000 graded words.PAPER TOPIC Select any fictional character (a television or movie character, cartoon, novel etc.) who you believe has a clinical disorder (chapter 15 of your text). Prepare a written report on that character, including the identification of symptoms that reflect one of the specific disorders from … Continue reading “select any fictional character (a television or movie character, cartoon, novel etc.) who you believe has a clinical disorder (chapter 15 of your text). Prepare a written report on that character, including the identification of symptoms that reflect one of the specific disorders from the text, some discussion of possible causes and treatment recommendations.”

Treatment of Delirium Neurocognitive Disorders Neurocognitive disorders (NCD) such as delirium, dementia, and amnestic disorders are more prevalent in older adults.

Discussion: Treatment of Delirium Neurocognitive Disorders Neurocognitive disorders (NCD) such as delirium, dementia, and amnestic disorders are more prevalent in older adults. As the population ages and as life expectancy in the United States continues to increase, the incidence of these disorders will continue to increase. Cognitive functioning such as memory, language, orientation, judgment, and … Continue reading “Treatment of Delirium Neurocognitive Disorders Neurocognitive disorders (NCD) such as delirium, dementia, and amnestic disorders are more prevalent in older adults.”

How does the modern metropolis affect what Simmel calls “mental life?” Elements you could include in your discussion:-Organization of time-space in the Modern (capitalist) city (Harvey, Foucault, Modern Times, Metropolis)-Effect on social relations; class (Harvey)-Effect on human psychology (Simmel, Soja, Fischer, Vidler, Stallybrass and White)-Preoccupation with the correct “reading” of the city, Order/Disorder (Fisher, Brooks, Stallybrass and White)-Physiognomy-The disciplining gaze (Foucault, Stallybrass)-The “gaze” of the flaneur (Benjamin; Brooks)-Self as actor (Fisher, Bowlby)-Consumption (Bowlby); commodity Utopia (Benjamin)

ASSIGNMENT:Write a 5-6 page essay on the theme of your choice, using the suggested or other articles and your class notes as your reference. A good essay will pull together thoughts and insights from a variety of readings synthetically, and use examples from class discussion or film viewings, rather than merely listing the arguments of … Continue reading “How does the modern metropolis affect what Simmel calls “mental life?” Elements you could include in your discussion:-Organization of time-space in the Modern (capitalist) city (Harvey, Foucault, Modern Times, Metropolis)-Effect on social relations; class (Harvey)-Effect on human psychology (Simmel, Soja, Fischer, Vidler, Stallybrass and White)-Preoccupation with the correct “reading” of the city, Order/Disorder (Fisher, Brooks, Stallybrass and White)-Physiognomy-The disciplining gaze (Foucault, Stallybrass)-The “gaze” of the flaneur (Benjamin; Brooks)-Self as actor (Fisher, Bowlby)-Consumption (Bowlby); commodity Utopia (Benjamin)”

It is an individual report on a failing hotel business that has several short and long term problems (see case study) to be resolved in order to make it a success and profitable. The report will clearly state a set of objectives for the development of the business and strategic management techniques, including the management of finance, marketing and human resources.

  Assignment Details and Instructions. You are required to write a 2500 word report. The report must demonstrate critical analysis, evaluation, comparison and contrast of various situations that impact on service providers. You will underpin your work with theoretical concepts and there must be evidence of synthesis and justification that reaches logical conclusion. Your report … Continue reading “It is an individual report on a failing hotel business that has several short and long term problems (see case study) to be resolved in order to make it a success and profitable. The report will clearly state a set of objectives for the development of the business and strategic management techniques, including the management of finance, marketing and human resources.”

In order to experience economic growth for Athletic Country, what kinds of changes might need to happen in this market? Be specific in your recommendations. Hint: Be creative and consider how you can make use of all four economic resources as applied in this scenario. (T/A)

The following combinations of bats and rackets are produced by Athletic Country as detailed in the chart below. (find the data of bats and rackets in additional file) Athletic Country Production Possibilities Use this data to make a production possibility curve. Include the required information to complete the graph (labels on axis, points labeled, title, … Continue reading “In order to experience economic growth for Athletic Country, what kinds of changes might need to happen in this market? Be specific in your recommendations. Hint: Be creative and consider how you can make use of all four economic resources as applied in this scenario. (T/A)”

You may write either a letter of complaint, a letter to suggest something or a letter trying to get something for free. You must write to a real entity! It could be a letter to the MTA, trying to get a fare break for CUNY students. Or a letter to your favorite talk show host, commenting on something s/he said that you loved or thought was a bad idea. Or a letter to General Mills, complaining about the GMO’s used in corn flakes. Or a letter to Chipotle, complimenting them in order to get a free burrito.

You may write either a letter of complaint, a letter to suggest something or a letter trying to get something for free. You must write to a real entity! It could be a letter to the MTA, trying to get a fare break for CUNY students. Or a letter to your favorite talk show host, … Continue reading “You may write either a letter of complaint, a letter to suggest something or a letter trying to get something for free. You must write to a real entity! It could be a letter to the MTA, trying to get a fare break for CUNY students. Or a letter to your favorite talk show host, commenting on something s/he said that you loved or thought was a bad idea. Or a letter to General Mills, complaining about the GMO’s used in corn flakes. Or a letter to Chipotle, complimenting them in order to get a free burrito.”

You have been assigned additional employees and (possibly) new assets in order to meet your goals. You must determine what skills, strengths, and talents they must have. How will you retain and motivate your existing employees and attract, hire, train, and retain new ones with the help of human resources? How will you break down your functional goals into departmental activities? How will you measure success? What is the frequency of your activities?

Executive Department Management Instructions Atha Corporation owner, Mary Atha has declared a goal of doubling the company’s current $5 million in sales in the next year. Atha markets its product, unique lighting products (wall, pendant, floor, table, and nightlights) made of 50% recycled materials, through as series of regional distributors and directly online. It is … Continue reading “You have been assigned additional employees and (possibly) new assets in order to meet your goals. You must determine what skills, strengths, and talents they must have. How will you retain and motivate your existing employees and attract, hire, train, and retain new ones with the help of human resources? How will you break down your functional goals into departmental activities? How will you measure success? What is the frequency of your activities?”

Read “Executive Orders 101: What are they and how do Presidents use them?” posted at

Nothing seems to rattle the people more than an executive order, especially if they view their President as being “on the other team.” A few of President Trump’s executive orders certainly made big news. Most of us, however, don’t know anything more about the contents of these orders than the media reports convey. Your assignment … Continue reading “Read “Executive Orders 101: What are they and how do Presidents use them?” posted at”