Questions based on UTAX sample

  U-Tax-It: Executive Summary Overview Problem U-Tax-It is a service product that is designed to solve the hassle and time wasted getting your taxes done. The current state of the world is that the average tax preparation is time consuming and consists of a lot of tedious paperwork. The problem is that it is hard … Continue reading “Questions based on UTAX sample”

Choose one of your van Gogh favorites and discuss why this particular painting speaks to you.

Wk 5: Discuss 2 Remember: You may need to scroll down in order to view and complete this assignment. Discussion Prompt: van Gogh Vincent van Gogh was considered a tortured artist, yet his paintings leave us breathless. After reading pgs. 387-392, walk through this virtual art exhibit of his paintings: Choose one of your … Continue reading “Choose one of your van Gogh favorites and discuss why this particular painting speaks to you.”

A big cooperation has contacted you about the invention you have patented. They are interested in obtaining the intellectual property rights for your invention. In a few paragraphs (300-400 words), describe if you would be interested in licensing or assigning your patent to the company. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Would you be about to sell your IP to other companies? Please review the online video on licensing vs. assigning.

Paper 1 Patent infringement can cost companies millions of dollars in lawsuits and fees. Understanding if an invention infringes upon your patent is important for deciding if taking legal action against the infringing party is necessary. If a competitive company was interested in making an invention to do or solve the same problem as your … Continue reading “A big cooperation has contacted you about the invention you have patented. They are interested in obtaining the intellectual property rights for your invention. In a few paragraphs (300-400 words), describe if you would be interested in licensing or assigning your patent to the company. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Would you be about to sell your IP to other companies? Please review the online video on licensing vs. assigning.”

Financial Actuarial Analyst

Assignment Investigate and write the first part of your research paper (“Research Paper 1”) on your previously approved topic: an entry-level position in a specific career you want to pursue after college. Whichever particular entry-level job you choose to research and write about, your choice must be realistic. For instance, a career as a physical … Continue reading “Financial Actuarial Analyst”

Create a story using all 20 of the summary convictions offences listed below.

The purpose of this assignment is to assist you in remembering the summary conviction offences. This is an individual assignment, everyone must submit his or her own story in the drop box in elearn, on the due date. Create a story using all 20 of the summary convictions offences listed below. • The story must … Continue reading “Create a story using all 20 of the summary convictions offences listed below.”

Both Zora Neale Hurston and Aretha Franklin produced remarkable bodies of work intimes when women of colour were not give the kinds of opportunities others were given. Craft a thesis-based argument on the importance of one or both of these women’s work to our contemporary culture. Why are such voices/bodies of work vitally important to our culture? Support your argument with peer-reviewed articles.

Both Zora Neale Hurston and Aretha Franklin produced remarkable bodies of work intimes when women of colour were not give the kinds of opportunities others were given. Craft a thesis-based argument on the importance of one or both of these women’s work to our contemporary culture. Why are such voices/bodies of work vitally important to … Continue reading “Both Zora Neale Hurston and Aretha Franklin produced remarkable bodies of work intimes when women of colour were not give the kinds of opportunities others were given. Craft a thesis-based argument on the importance of one or both of these women’s work to our contemporary culture. Why are such voices/bodies of work vitally important to our culture? Support your argument with peer-reviewed articles.”

Risk Management plan

Risk Management Rubric   Organization Discuss the legal system and the organization, the industry, and special considerations for that industry. Talk about purpose of the organization and the impact of law on that org. Type of business Legal system of state Highlight some of the important legal concerns, risks or special legislation for the organization. … Continue reading “Risk Management plan”

Compare/Contrast Argument Synthesis Analysis Essay

Compare/Contrast Argument Synthesis Analysis Essay (1500 words/5 pages minimum) FORMAT: Typed and double-spaced in MLA format. OBJECTIVE: A synthesis is a written discussion that draws on two or more sources in which you make explicit the relationships that you inferred among separate sources. • Comparing and contrasting is a form of synthesis. You compare different … Continue reading “Compare/Contrast Argument Synthesis Analysis Essay”