Making a Case for Your Research

Making a Case for Your Research   Instructions Overview Building a case for your research is an important part of the research process. To this end, identifying key pieces of information to include in the Background section of your research paper will benefit you in strengthening your argument. Directions For this assignment, you will identify … Continue reading “Making a Case for Your Research”

Consider how Art (as an event of representation, yet more) can offer a momentary relief from the pervasive realm of will/desire. Consider how aesthetic experience involves us with objects of representation, though ones somehow not bound by the parameters of space/time. Examine how, for Schopenhauer, there is a collaboration of Platonic Ideas and Kantian Disinterestedness (in an emancipating way) in our experience of works of art (perhaps especially music), and how Beauty offers consolation.

Two important readings in concert this coming week: Schopenhauer’s The World as Will and Idea (just the Introduction, and Book III) and two essays from Nietzsche that you have not had assigned before even though they are contained in our The Birth of Tragedy book. We will have Calls & OCF on these. Schopenhauer: Schopenhauer … Continue reading “Consider how Art (as an event of representation, yet more) can offer a momentary relief from the pervasive realm of will/desire. Consider how aesthetic experience involves us with objects of representation, though ones somehow not bound by the parameters of space/time. Examine how, for Schopenhauer, there is a collaboration of Platonic Ideas and Kantian Disinterestedness (in an emancipating way) in our experience of works of art (perhaps especially music), and how Beauty offers consolation.”

How have developments in media technologies affected our experience of time? Referring to a range of theorists we have examined in the course, reflect upon different understandings of ‘time’ and ‘experience’, and critically assess the relevance of the theories you examine for understanding the contemporary media environment.

24 What happens when I turn on the TV set? Lars Nyre Institutt for Informasjons University of Bergen Keywords: Mass Media, liveness, Heidegger, McLuhan, Borgmann Abstract In a little known manuscript from 1998 Paddy Scannell asks some dumbfoundingly basic questions about the electronic media: ‘What happens when you turn on your television set? What is … Continue reading “How have developments in media technologies affected our experience of time? Referring to a range of theorists we have examined in the course, reflect upon different understandings of ‘time’ and ‘experience’, and critically assess the relevance of the theories you examine for understanding the contemporary media environment.”

Watch one episode of any family sitcom/drama from 5 of the following decades 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 (Nick @ Nite, hulu, sidereel, youtube, and Google are great resources for searching for shows): You can use these as examples or find your own: 1950’s (ex: I Love Lucy); 1970’s (ex: the Brady Bunch); 1980’s (ex: the Cosby Show); 1990’s (ex: Rosanne); 2000’s (ex: Modern Family) Many students lose HUGE points because they misunderstand the directions and only analyze one episode. You need to do a TOTAL of 5 episodes (1 from each decade)

Each paper should be 3-5 pages long. Each paper will be graded closely and points will be deducted for grammatical errors, not following APA format, not following directions, not meeting the page minimum, and not including at least 2 outside sources per assignment and your textbook at least once. The rubric for the assignments can … Continue reading “Watch one episode of any family sitcom/drama from 5 of the following decades 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 (Nick @ Nite, hulu, sidereel, youtube, and Google are great resources for searching for shows): You can use these as examples or find your own: 1950’s (ex: I Love Lucy); 1970’s (ex: the Brady Bunch); 1980’s (ex: the Cosby Show); 1990’s (ex: Rosanne); 2000’s (ex: Modern Family) Many students lose HUGE points because they misunderstand the directions and only analyze one episode. You need to do a TOTAL of 5 episodes (1 from each decade)”

Demographic data: Go online to the U.S. Census Bureau at Obtain a range information about the demographic characteristics of the population for your city or county of residence. You may have to look at county data if your city is not listed. Discuss demographic data about age, ethnicity, poverty levels, housing, and education.

Week 2: Demographic and Epidemiological Assessment No unread replies.11 reply. This week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcome (CO). • CO2: Assess the health needs of individuals, families, aggregates, and communities using demographic and epidemiological data to identify population health risks. (PO4) For this discussion, you will collect assessment data about your city … Continue reading “Demographic data: Go online to the U.S. Census Bureau at Obtain a range information about the demographic characteristics of the population for your city or county of residence. You may have to look at county data if your city is not listed. Discuss demographic data about age, ethnicity, poverty levels, housing, and education.”

Research comparing the US and Saudi Arab

15 pages of research comparing the US and Saudi Arabia regarding trade. The research must help an international person who wants to start a business in each country. – Double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 font. – At least 10 Academic references do not include the 15 pages. This research is comparing the US and Saudi … Continue reading “Research comparing the US and Saudi Arab”

Read the graphic novel excerpt “The Oka Crisis” and then read up on the history of the Oka Crisis. In what way(s) can the resistance at Oka be said to be the precursor to Idle No More and Indigenous activism today?

1. If you haven’t already written about the story “’You’ll Never Believe What Happened’ Is Always a Great Way To Start”, you can re-visit the question of worldview as revealed by creation myths. For your research, find another one or two Indigenous creation myths (that come from cultures within Canada’s borders), and consider the value … Continue reading “Read the graphic novel excerpt “The Oka Crisis” and then read up on the history of the Oka Crisis. In what way(s) can the resistance at Oka be said to be the precursor to Idle No More and Indigenous activism today?”

Batman Character analysis

Character Analysis Paper in APA Format: Topic: take a psychological disorder or concept of Abnormal Psychology, and apply to a character from a work of fiction (movie, novel or TV show). Characters may be taken ONLY from Stephen King novels, super hero movies, or the TV show “Criminal Minds”. Length: 500 words (2 types pages) … Continue reading “Batman Character analysis”

What are three properties of water that make it so unusual? (NOTE: This is asking about properties, i.e., specific ways that water functions because of it’s chemical makeup that are beneficial for life on Earth. It is NOT asking about the three states that water can exist in on the planet (solid, liquid, or gas).)

Please answer questions below: BIOLOGY 1. Why is it important for everyone to understand some basic biological concepts? 2. Restate in your own words, five of the properties of all living things that were listed in your readings, and explain in your own words what each means. THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD 3. Define the following AND … Continue reading “What are three properties of water that make it so unusual? (NOTE: This is asking about properties, i.e., specific ways that water functions because of it’s chemical makeup that are beneficial for life on Earth. It is NOT asking about the three states that water can exist in on the planet (solid, liquid, or gas).)”

Could the UNSC consider referring the situation in Syria to the ICC, as is the Security Council’s right if it so chooses to exercise it?  There is also the possibility of referring organizations such as ISIL and Al-Nusra to the Court; however bear in mind that this process is debatable, as only focusing on selected groups instead of the whole situation may lead to disputes as to what groups should be referred to the ICC.

General Instructions: Single spaced 12 point font Times new roman 1 inch margins 2 page (single spaced) /4 pages (double spaced) Title: “[Insert Country Name] statement on the situation in Syria” Minimum of 4 sources Complete in essay format and label parts A & B Remember, Wikipedia is not an appropriate source! In-text citations and … Continue reading “Could the UNSC consider referring the situation in Syria to the ICC, as is the Security Council’s right if it so chooses to exercise it?  There is also the possibility of referring organizations such as ISIL and Al-Nusra to the Court; however bear in mind that this process is debatable, as only focusing on selected groups instead of the whole situation may lead to disputes as to what groups should be referred to the ICC.”