Employer monitoring employee’s use of Computers, Emails, and Phones in the workplace.

Choose any particular COMPANY or ORGANIZATION that is struggling with this issues (written in the topic area). You will recommend a solution to the problem identified in your analytical report. Your recommended solution should include: • a brief summary of the problem and why it must be solved or fixed (in a particular organization of … Continue reading “Employer monitoring employee’s use of Computers, Emails, and Phones in the workplace.”

The purpose of the second written assignment is to continue your practice at your scientific thinking about psychological issues. We will ask you to read another research description and: (1) think about how the principles of scientific thinking and warning signs of pseudoscience apply to it, as you did for the first assignment, but also (2) critique the research methods used in the research description.For the first part of the written assignment, you should analyze the claims being madeaccording to 1 of the 6 principles of scientific thinking and 1 of the 3 warning signs related to pseudoscientific claims (see Written Assignment 1 for a list of these).

The purpose of the second written assignment is to continue your practice at your scientific thinking about psychological issues. We will ask you to read another research description and: (1) think about how the principles of scientific thinking and warning signs of pseudoscience apply to it, as you did for the first assignment, but also … Continue reading “The purpose of the second written assignment is to continue your practice at your scientific thinking about psychological issues. We will ask you to read another research description and: (1) think about how the principles of scientific thinking and warning signs of pseudoscience apply to it, as you did for the first assignment, but also (2) critique the research methods used in the research description.For the first part of the written assignment, you should analyze the claims being madeaccording to 1 of the 6 principles of scientific thinking and 1 of the 3 warning signs related to pseudoscientific claims (see Written Assignment 1 for a list of these).”

The Waterbury Hospital

The Connective If you are working on The Connective project, you will be analyzing the business model, assessing pricing, seeking connection opportunities and deciding on the viability of the model.  Here are the specific questions related to The Connective: 1. How does The Connective build their model to grow? 2. How does The Connective vet … Continue reading “The Waterbury Hospital”

A study of lack of IPOs in Jordan in the last decade

Where have all the public companies gone? Market indexes are experiencing record highs, but there are fewer listed companies today than in 1976; in fact, U.S. listings dropped 50 percent from 1996 to 2016. Private companies can now raise late-stage venture and other private capital on equal or better terms than in the public markets … Continue reading “A study of lack of IPOs in Jordan in the last decade”

Digital Transformation of Business and Services

About the course: Technology is changing every aspect of how businesses and services, whether public or private, operate – a process known as digital transformation. On this free online course, you will explore the impact of digital transformation and the issues arising from it, and learn how to implement digital transformation in your organisation, especially … Continue reading “Digital Transformation of Business and Services”

Select a child or adolescent client whom you observed or counseled this week. Then, address the following in your Practicum Journal: Describe the client (without violating HIPAA regulations) and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications. Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for this client. Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling this client.

Develop diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy* Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric disorders* * The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is introduced this week and submitted in Week 10. Select a child or adolescent client whom you observed or counseled this week. Then, address the following in your Practicum Journal: … Continue reading “Select a child or adolescent client whom you observed or counseled this week. Then, address the following in your Practicum Journal: Describe the client (without violating HIPAA regulations) and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications. Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for this client. Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling this client.”

Which strategy from the seminal article by Kagan do you believe is the most critical for engaging students in the learning process?   Defend your choice.

PLEASE FOLLOW DIRECTIONS . ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS WITH A MINIMUM OF A PARAGRAPH . ALL DISCUSSION QUESTIONS MUST HAVE A CITE REFERRED TO IT.  Please answer Discussion Question with 2 different ways with a minimum paragraph for each answer. All peer questions must be responded with a minimum of a paragraph also. Discussion Question  to … Continue reading “Which strategy from the seminal article by Kagan do you believe is the most critical for engaging students in the learning process?   Defend your choice.”

Federal Government,Analysis of Movie1776

This is a Federal Government assignment.It must be 2 full pages.If you go over 2 pages that is fine. A political understanding of the events, from the movie 1776, which ultimately led to the Congress’s decision to declare a revolution, against Great Britain, requires students to examine all sides of political debates, issues, values, beliefs, … Continue reading “Federal Government,Analysis of Movie1776”

Surprised my son on a trip to Legoland for his Birthday (March 4th)

One assignment for this week is to write a Narration paper. The first thing to remember is that narration means telling about something that happened in the past. You need to include interesting details in chronological order, past tense verbs, and transitions that show the time order, like first, then, next, after that, and finally, … Continue reading “Surprised my son on a trip to Legoland for his Birthday (March 4th)”