select an article that details mobile application vulnerabilities and analyze and assess how to mitigate the risks.


The “Article Reference” should be a separate section between the title page and the summary. This is simply providing the reader the formal citation/reference for the article you selected. This item should appear at the top of the page, followed by a blank line, then the header for Summary. This item should follow APA format and will also appear in the References section, in the exact same format, for example:
Article Reference

Borrett, M., Carter, R., & Wespi, A. (2013). How is cyber threat evolving and what do
organisations need to consider? Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning, 7(2), 163–171.

The section titles from the Sample document (“Article Reference,” “Summary,” “Results,” and “Discussion”) should be used as the heading titles for each of the sections in the paper. Using proper APA format for all headers. You have to use at least the level one headers provided, but you are free and encouraged to use other levels in organizing your paper.

All the articles should be from trusted IA/IS journals, as mentioned in the rubric.

Research articles should be less than five years old, as the research changes so fast in our fields of study. However, the exception is for seminal (heavily cited and popular articles) which may be decades old, if still relevant. It is your choice as an author as to what is adequate (relevant), you need to use your judgment in that regard.

“Review” means to compare and contrast, summarizing all points of view in the article, succinctly. The appropriate audience is your peers and your instructor. Be sure to write with an authoritative voice, meaning state concepts assertively, not tentatively. For example, state things and conclusions with certainty, not with modifiers such as “will” or “should” or “perhaps.”