Select ONE prompt from below. William Faulkner’s “Barn Burning”  Prompts What picture of the Snopes family life can you deduce? Look at the details describing each member to help you understand the Snopes’ dynamic.

Select ONE prompt from below.

William Faulkner’s “Barn Burning”

  • Prompts
    • What picture of the Snopes family life can you deduce? Look at the details describing each member to help you understand the Snopes’ dynamic.
    • What does “blood ties” mean according to Abner? Is his own behavior consistent with these claims?
    • Sarty once refers to himself as “pulled two ways like between two teams of horses.” What does he mean?
    • Though Abner often behaves and talks viciously, he is repeatedly described as unfeeling. Why do you think he lacks emotion behind his force? Explain this paradox.
    • Defend the idea that “Barn Burning” has a happy ending. For support, use as many details as you can from the last two paragraphs of the story.
    • In terms of narrative perspective, this story appears to jump back and forth between two narrative perspectives (an objective third-person narrator and the mind of the boy Sarty). Consider, as another possibility, that the apparent confusion reflects the mind of a single character: an “adult” Sarty mentally reliving a childhood experience. Does this perspective change anything about the way you respond to or interpret the story?

Be sure to focus on one prompt in your Journal response.


Journal Instructions

As a part of this course you will post regular journal entries.  The modules will provide prompts based on your readings. Each journal entry should be at least 200 words in length in your best writing style. Each journal entry is a small essay with a thesis and adequate support using references from the story under study.  You will be graded for both content and form.  Assignments need to be submitted in Word files.

Please follow these format requirements:

  • Use MLA format
  • Write the prompt under the journal title and before the entry/response
  • Use Times New Roman size 12 font
  • Double space ALL
  • Consult Format Guidelines for form and writing