Select a peer-reviewed article describing a case study of one of the precision medicine topics that we’ve discussed (i.e., cancer, complex diseases, pharmacogenomics, or ‘omic data). Dr. Hare-Harris must approve your article choice

Project 2: Case Report
Select a peer-reviewed article describing a case study of one of the precision medicine topics that we’ve
discussed (i.e., cancer, complex diseases, pharmacogenomics, or ‘omic data). Dr. Hare-Harris must
approve your article choice. Each student must choose a different article.
Write a 2-3 page summary of the case report. Include the following information:
1. background on disease/disorder
2. description of symptoms exhibited by case report patient
3. description of the genetic variants identified in the study
4. explanation of how the genetic diagnosis influenced the patient’s medical treatment
5. summary of the patient outcome
6. discussion of potential for use in other patients with same disease/disorder.
Essay Format:
• Include page numbers and your name in the header
• 2-3 pages
• Times New Roman font size 12
• 1 inch margins
• 1.5 spacing
• Citations in author-date format and listed at the end of the essay (not included in page