In selecting an issue consider types and mechanisms of power, oppression, and privilege. Look for a particular group of people who are being discriminated against or who are vulnerable or being oppressed.

Step 1: Find an article related to a current issue concerning diversity/race from one of the following reputable news
sources (New York Times, Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal,, Newsweek, Time, The Atlantic,
PBS, The Los Angeles Times). The article must have been written within the last 6 months.
Step 2: Read the article.
Step 3: Find other articles that relate to the issues presented in the primary article.
Step 4: Read at least 3 extra articles on the issue. You may also wish to consult a website devoted to the issue such
Southern Poverty Law Center
Poverty USA
United States Census Bureau
Race Forward
Step 5: Present the issue in one of the following ways:
• Make a video
• Create and record a powerpoint or Prezi WITH AUDIO
• Write a 3 page paper
• Make a photoessay
How you choose to present the issue is up to you. Be thoughtful and creative. However, there are key elements that
should be in your paper/presentation.
• You must show that this issue is bigger than the one article. Show support for the points by using other
sources of information.
• Discuss why this issue relates to the themes of this course
• Be explicit about the social justice aspect of the issue.
• What is your response to the issue? How does this issue affect you or your thinking? What have you learned?
What would you still like to know more about?
You must have at least FOUR references in addition to the textbook. Use APA 6th edition style.