Separated: Children at the Border

Response to classmate’s post on discussion board

Title – Separated: Children at the Border  – July 31, 2018


Template for Analyzing the Video

The questions below are to be used as the framework for responding to at least one of your classmate’s posting.  That is, select a posting you wish to respond to then evaluate the work and answer the following questions.  Be sure to address the questions to your classmate and make it relevant to his/her work.  You are required to provide a minimum of (5) five sentences for each question (#1 – #8) posted below.  Provide critical and relevant policy discussions and remember to respect all viewpoints.


1) What is your classmate presenting as his/her main idea/purpose?  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

2) What question is your classmate attempting to answer?  Provide at least 4 alternate questions for the author.

3) What information does your classmate provide as a basis for arriving at his/her own conclusion?  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

4) What are the main conclusions or inferences made by your classmate?  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

5) What are the main ideas that guide your classmate’s thinking?  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

6) What does your classmate take for granted?  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

7) What is your classmate’s perspective and how is s/he seeing it?  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

8) If your classmate is correct (or insightful), what are some implications we should recognize?  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.


My Classmate’s post

1)      State as accurately as possible the video’s purpose for presenting this information.  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

The video talk about children separated from their parents at the border. Many children were victims of the controversial program of Trump and his administration. This program was quietly been operating until people discovered it one year later. Since 9/11, the United States has doubled its security all over the country and the borders are specially built to meet those safety standards. The video shows how immigration problems are handled by the Trump administration.

2)      What is the video attempting to convey and from what perspective is it presenting the information?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

The video tries to inform the public that immigration problems in the United States are more serious than previously thought. Today we are talking about children living away from their parents’ affection and love because of political reasons. We wonder where humanism and human rights are. People facing the loss of their family, misfortune, death threats, despair, seeking refuge elsewhere, which is quite normal. Trump is full of prejudices against immigrants as they are sometimes treated as bandits or outlaws.

3)      What key question can you develop from the content presented in the article?  Provide your question and then your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

Is the US truly helping the country by separating children from their parents? Sometimes, it is good to be selfish in order to get done certain things in one life. Nonetheless, the selfishness action shall be taken with wisdom if not it might lead to a mega problem. The US might say that they are saving the lives of these children, but the real question is, how will these children feel without the presence of their begetter? Will these children experience happiness without the presence of their loved ones?

4)      What are the most important ideas you would have to understand in order to understand the video’s line of reasoning?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

This video is demonstrating that immigration from Mexico was not a big issue until president Trump took the presidential post. People do not immigrate because they want to change their environment. They do it because of the struggles in their life. They are hoping to get a better life in the country they are immigrating to. Because of the education and how people see the US, authority take advantage of Mexican parent by separating them from their children. Why? Is that necessary to do so? If American authorities do not want immigrants in this country, they ought to leave the children with their parents. I believe that this separation might cause something in the future in the life of this children.

5)      What is the video failing to address (what might be questioned)?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

Why did the US authorities separate children from their parents? What is the real reason behind that separation? If the American government does not want the Mexican, why are they allowing the children who are also Mexicans? For a stable life, these kids need their family. The separation should not take place if these children want to stay with their parents. Therefore, these children must be with their parent in the US or be chased away with their Parents but not without.

6)      What consequences are likely to follow if people take the video’s line of reasoning seriously? Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

These children might become rebellious later in life even though the gratefulness of what America has transformed them to be, has a place in them. People will tend to forbid the separation. That is where the problem is taking place. The issue right here is not the immigration but the separation. The old veteran Mike Vickers, in the video, mentioned that the US cannot take care of all these people. No! The US does not take care of immigrant but in reverse, these people work hard in this country in order to have something to eat. Immigrant work hard because they know where they are coming from.

7)      What consequences are likely to follow if people ignore the video’s reasoning?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

The things that Americans were afraid of by chasing away these immigrants are likely to happen now or later on in life. We don’t know how the separation is going to affect these innocent young people. They are going to grow with no parent’s education. America might be seeking for the welfare of these kids but if these latter realize that their parents and loves one suffer because of the separation, it might become a disadvantage for the US, instead of being an advantage. Wisdom ought to be part of the US new rules.

8)      Identify the key conclusions the video comes to and presents?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

We all know that coming to another country illegally might be detrimental for the country wellbeing, but we also must be aware that these people leave their own country because of a reason. Therefore, Americans have the choice of accepting these immigrants knowing exactly what these people are carrying with them or chase them back to their country with their whole family. However, kids can be separated from their parent if parents give their accord first before any order action must be taking. Children must not be forced to leave their parents. It was mentioned that it was for the child welfare. For instance, at the end of the video, there was a reunion between mother and daughter. This child was telling her mother that the place has changed her. She gets mad for no reason and the mother also testified that her daughter has really changed. This separation is detrimental for these children now or later.

9)      What facts, experiences, or data is the video using to support its conclusions?  Provide your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.

This video is presenting a lot of descriptions that is really showing that there is no need for the USA authority to separate kids from their parents. They pretend that the separation is due to the situation (health) of the parents. For instance, if a parent is a drug addiction and is trying to escape his original country, at the border, he/she is going to be separated from his children. In this case, the US authority talks about child welfare. Nevertheless, the main question to be asked is to know if all immigrant parents have health issue because it seems like all children are being separated from their own parents. Even though some of those kids want their parents back and even memorizes the phone number of one of their relatives, they are not allowed to get in touch with their family. Immigration is an issue, but separation is a bigger problem if it is done against the will of the children and the parents.