On-Site Curriculum Project

On-Site Curriculum Project Planning Document 10 Points
Initial information, details, and planning for On-Site Curriculum Research Project.
Describe your plan for doing the On-Site Curriculum Project: Name of School, location, contact person at school, tentative date for interview and key questions for the interview, e.g., what is the basis for your written curriculum? State standards? District Curriculum? Specific program(s)?
Send as an email attachment to Dr. Button or bring to midterm session.

Part I. On-Site Curriculum Project Title Page 5 Points
Title Page with the course title, class member’s name, School (UCCS)
and the title of the project

Part II. Introduction 10 Points

Introduction includes a relevant question about the topic a brief description of the school and the student population.
The Introduction should have a question, e.g., “What is the Hirsch Core Curriculum and how is it implemented at James Madison School? This is followed by an explanation of why you chose the school and curriculum, a brief description of the school and the student population.

Part III. Body of the On-Site Curriculum Paper 50 Points

• All components (below) to be included; approximately 5-8 double-spaced pages of text including (include sources/citations):
o Interview with key site personnel
o Written Curriculum: description of curriculum documents
o Taught Curriculum: description of resources used
o Teaching strategies utilized
o Tested Curriculum: description which includes the assessment plan and assessments used to determine student progress
o Conclusion includes a summary of your findings and perspective on the curriculum, and its relation current research findings

o Collaborative Project Description (If two people do the interview)
In a short narrative, describe how you collaborated with your partner to complete the project, and what each of you contributed in terms of what parts you created separately and together. You will each sign the title page.

Part III. References/Citations 10 Points
List at least 3 sources and resources. You may list the course text for one source.
The references and citations must be written in APA format. (**Note: Do not use MLA or another format. APA is required by the COE Graduate School.)

Note: the project will be about high school. the ESL teacher will be interviewed in high school in Colorado. The population will be around 1700 students

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