Sleep deprivation: A prognosis to AD


  1. The Master Thesis has to be approximately 12.000 to 18.000 words long, excluding the bibliography and annexes. There could be an exception for certain projects that, for their peculiarities, are considered that their length should be different. In these particular cases, the length will be determined by both the teacher and the tutor of the Master Thesis.


  1. The bibliographic references, tables, figures, format and bibliography must follow the APA rules (American Psychology Association).


  1. In terms of content, the following points should be neat and clear:
  • Index
  • Abstract (summary of the Master Thesis)
  • Introduction: contextualization of the project (background and current status of the topic) and theoretical foundations on which the Master Thesis is based.
  • Objectives: explanation of the contribution of knowledge that the student wants to do with the Master Thesis.
  • Material and methods: methodology used to achieve the desired objectives.
  • Results
  • Discussion: actions to be taken in order to achieve the objectives, along with a Feasibility Plan of Action, the proposal and the benefits that can be achieved.
  • Conclusions: success in achieving the desired objectives.
  • Bibliography
  • Annexes: any documentation relevant for the understanding and clarification of the project can be annexed.