a small or lar a culture shock scenario that you had at any point in your life.

In just about any circumstance in life, one has the potential to experience culture shock, either on a small or large scale.  Think about a culture shock scenario that you had at any point in your life.  Examples of culture shock that are appropriate for this assignment can include migrating to a new country, going on vacation, trying a new cuisine, converting to a new religion, or going to college, just to name a few.  Sociologically analyze your culture shock experience by incorporating several sociological concepts/theories from Chapters 3 and/or 4.  Write a 3-to-4 page paper by following the outline below.


  1. Background (½ to 1 page):
  2. Briefly explain one culture shock experience you had. Include the setting, people involved, and main event(s).  Include enough details so the reader can vividly imagine what is happening, but do not go beyond the 1-page requirement.
  3. Make sure you include a well-developed thesis statement which informs the reader in one sentence what the paper is about. The thesis should be placed at the end of the Background section.  Go to this link for assistance:



  1. Analysis (2 to 3 pages): This is the “meat” of your paper.  Make sure this section is very well-developed, well-organized, and well-written since your grade depends mainly on your sociological analysis of the culture shock experience.
  2. Analyze your culture shock experience by using at least five sociological concepts/ theories learned from Chapters 3 and/or For each concept/theory, you will need to provide correct and appropriate examples of your culture shock in order to illustrate that you can use the course material to reach a greater depth of understanding.  You must go beyond just describing your culture shock experience.  Concepts/theories must be bolded or underlined in your paper, or they will not be counted in the quota.
  3. In addition, examine the outcomes of your culture shock. What was your reaction to this experience?  Were you ethnocentric or culturally relativistic, and how?  Also, why you were ethnocentric or culturally relativistic?  Be sure to apply your sociological imagination when responding to these questions.  Include specific examples or illustrations.
  4. Hint: Concepts/theories can be any of the terminology found in the required chapters of the textbook that you learned because of this course.
  5. Include an engaging and stimulating conclusion paragraph that summarizes your paper. Demonstrate evidence that you can make connections between all of the main ideas.



Grading Rubric:  This grading rubric is designed to help you understand what a college-level paper entails.  This writing assignment is worth 100 points.  Before submitting your assignment, go through this checklist to make sure you have adequately addressed the following criteria.


  1. Background (35%) – The focus of this section is to showcase your ability to write an engaging introduction to your paper by being as detailed as possible without exceeding the length requirement. Your introduction must also have a well-developed thesis statement.
  2. Analysis (50%) – The focus of this section is to demonstrate your ability to correctly and thoroughly apply at least five sociological concepts/theories to explain your culture shock experience. There should be detailed evidence that you understand the material and can apply it to your situation.  There should also be a conclusion paragraph in your paper.
  3. Organization, Length, and Mechanics (15%) – The paper should be logically organized in well-constructed paragraphs/sentences, have relevant content, and be easily understood. Even if your paper is well-written, you will not receive credit for your work if it does not meet the objective(s) of the assignment.  Also, the paper should not exceed or fall below the length or page limit.  The minimum is 3 full pages, and the maximum is 4 full pages.  Your ability to articulate your ideas in the required length demonstrates your ability to “tell your story” in a fairly brief manner.  Lastly, there should be few or no errors in format, sentence structure, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.  These errors should not hinder comprehension of your writing.  The paper should include elements of a standard college paper: computer-typed, double-spaced, 1” margins top/bottom and left/right, 12-point font, Times New Roman, and in-text citations and a References page (if applicable).
  4. Documentation (deal breaker) – In accordance with the Montgomery College Code of Conduct, there is ZERO tolerance for plagiarism, so always cite the original source if you are “borrowing” information. If you are citing sources, there must always be in-text citations and a References page in APA style (see category E above).  Sources must be in ABC order on the References page.  For assistance on APA style, refer to these websites:

http://libguides.montgomerycollege.edu/apa http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/.


If you are unsure when to cite sources, refer to this website:
