What sociology is and how it applies/relates to your life.

For this assignment, you will need to write a paper analyzing what sociology is and how it applies/relates to your life.


  • Describe what sociology is to you after taking this class. Then you need to choose THREE main concepts (course topics) that you feel best describes the discipline. Examples include social forces, socialization, culture, sociological imagination, social structure and social interaction, and etc. You will need to describe the concepts and explain why they are necessary for the discipline.
    • A minimum of twelve sociological terms/theories
      • FOUR for each concept (course topics)
    • With the chosen concepts you will need to explain how each of them is applicable and relates to your life as well as they help you understand the society that you live in.


  • Papers must be in essay format
    • Introduction
      • Explain what the paper is about
      • Introduce three main concept
    • Three main topic sections
      • Paragraph(s) for each main concepts
    • Conclusion
      • Sum up what your paper is about
      • Final thoughts
    • Reference List
      • Textbook
      • Lecture
      • Articles from class
      • Videos

Other Important Requirements:

  • Typed, double-spaced and 12 point font
  • Name, Course Information, and date should be in the left-hand corner of the first page
  • Paper needs to have original title that is centered on the first page
  • Boldterms/concepts/theories (please do not bol1d full sentences)
  • Paper should be minimum of 4 pages (works cited does not count as a page)
  • Do not assume that the reader is your instructor, explain concepts/terms/theories
  • You may write in first-person (I, me, my)