Sociology Debate project

A parent does not need to stay full time at home. Cohn & Caumont (2014), stay home mums are less educated, poorer than those who go to work. Having parents stay at home full time increases the rate of poverty which has doubled since 1970. Heidt (2016) reveals how staying at home parents struggle to make ends meet compared to working parents. How will parents manage to provide to their children when they stay at home full time? Staying at home make the parent miss their jobs because of these parents have jobs that are very rewarding that staying at home. The parents staying at home to take of the child would feel like she is doing everything and does not receive help; preparing meals, looking after the baby, going shopping, taking children to school which might develop into some form of tension and resentment between her and the spouse.

Staying at home means having less chance to reinvent self because of having to adjust to the new rhythm of life that is boring (Lamb n.d). There are no effective tasks to be completed, no goal set up, stay at home mothers miss the cooperative nature of them and colleagues and no one recognizes their industrial efforts. The demands of stay at home never change, are constant and this makes stay at home parents less productive than their counterparts who go to work each day. Stay at home mothers according to Valleskey (2015) are angrier, depressed and dissatisfied which could be because of the factor of isolation. Stay at home mothers are sad because there is no one to appreciate them, there are no changing and engaging goals like the ones at the work place and above all they develop a bad feeling about staying at home that make them more sad.