Sociology in our times – The essential 10 edition by Diane Kendall

Student 1

Deviance and crime are yes interesting concepts as articulated in the chapter. The chapter well highlights the codes of deviance and crime showing their close interrelation. Though the student has no personal experience and has not directly related to deviance and crime, the experience of growing up in family that shares the two sides of deviance and crime, law orientation side including police, lawyers, and judges and the other side including family member who frequent prisons is quite a vast experience. With such a visionary experience, the reality of this chapter is captivating for everybody who might have grown in such a family setup, leave alone the student (Kendall, 2015).

It is truly interesting that deviance in the south is not at all deviance in the north. What might be defined as deviance in one place might have a very different inviting definition in a different location. Just because you think that in your place something is deviant does not mean when you relocate to another place you will hold the same believe. It is interesting and excellent for the student in how he/she shows how crime and deviance camouflages with time too. What was considered deviant sometimes back, for instance having tattoos and piercings, is now the order of the day with nobody expressing any hard feelings about it. Some behaviors which were seeing deviant change with time and gain the acceptance tag with time. The student has done quite well; a good professional display that shows how crime and deviant grows with some metamorphosis. The work is worth every credit for it covers all the required content and shows the chapter as it is (Kendall, 2015).

Student 2

I concur with the student that the chapter highlights the interesting facts that many don’t know about deviance and crime. The student highlight the conflict perspectives, deviance and those that define social strata and groupings. However I don’t see the student giving enough of information to candidly define the highlighted concepts in the chapter. Though he does mention the continuous power struggle between people up the social strata ladder and people down the social strata ladder, he/she gives no clear definition and explanation of the same but just makes a mention. He/she indeed to show how deviance is handled by those that are high the social strata who tend to be the controllers of the law making the people in the low strata who happen to be their workers vulnerable and on the receiving ends of  the one-sided law (Kendall, 2015).

I find it quite not instrumental and clear how the student extrapolates the ideas in the chapter. They are so brief just making mentions which actually don’t represent the chapter well and in full. Being brief is not a sin though, but if it was just brief and giving the content and answering to the question in a systematic way, then it would be good too. I tend to think that the student did not take enough time to look deep into the chapter and understand what deviance and crime is all about as presented in the chapter. I strongly feel, in good faith, that the student could have done better than this for the chapter is not any hard and complex to dig out the conceptual points in it. The work is quite below average and would honestly commend a redo.


Diana Kendall, (2015), Sociology in Our Times: The Essentials, Cengage Learning.