Soil Microbial Counts

The conclusion must contain:
1. check if the soil density [er gram of each microorganism is accurate and most be compared with there typical range in the soil.
2. check if the result is reliable
3. the biological significance of examine a soil sample
4. the importance of microorganisms in the soil

The conclusion must contain:
1. check if the soil density [er gram of each microorganism is accurate and most be compared with there typical range in the soil.
2. check if the result is reliable
3. the biological significance of examine a soil sample
4. the importance of microorganisms in the soil

The conclusion must contain:
1. check if the soil density [er gram of each microorganism is accurate and most be compared with there typical range in the soil.
2. check if the result is reliable
3. the biological significance of examine a soil sample
4. the importance of microorganisms in the soil