Solitude Retreat and Reflection Paper

you will take a personal mini-retreat in time of solitude with the Lord. This should be at least a 4-hour, solid block of time in a location of privacy. The purpose of this retreat is to seek God’s face and to prayerfully examine your own leadership in light of what you have been learning in this course. This is not the occasion to read ahead for this course. Rather, spend the time on reflection, reading Scripture, in prayer, in silence, or the like.

After you have completed your solitude time, write a paper reflecting on your experience. Begin by describing your solitude experience. How long did you spend in solitude? Where did you go to get away from distractions? What were the best parts of this time? What were the most difficult parts? Did God communicate anything to you during this time?Is there anything you will need to change coming out of this experience? Did you find the experience to be beneficial? Is solitude a practice you would like to continue? Your response should be between 500 and 1000 words.