Spanish Conquest

These instructions are the same for all future bonus opportunities regardless of the format
(documentary/film/lecture/article, etc). Look to page #4 of syllabus for more details.
The responses must be 1-2 pages (max), typed, double-spaced, 12-pt font, TNR, 1″ margins. Please
address ALL of the following in the bonus assignment for full credit (3 possible pts towards Exam #1,
Exam #2 or Final Exam):
1). Provide a concise summary of the lecture/documentary/film/etc.. (1 paragraph—least space)—0.5pt
2). What did you enjoy/appreciate about the bonus opportunity? (1-2 paragraphs—most space)—1 pts
3). What did you not enjoy about the bonus opportunity? (1-2 paragraphs)—1 pt
4). Indicate questions you still have after the bonus opportunity and a concluding statement with your
final thoughts on the opportunity (1-2 paragraphs)—0.5 pt
In addition to answering all these questions, for full credit you must prove to the reader through details
that you attended/watched/read the bonus opportunity and internalized it (substantiate your arguments
with points from the lecture/documentary/film/article).you have to watch the following PBS documentary on the Spanish Conquest and I will attach a file that describes what I want exactly on my paper. it will be 4 things that you should mention in the paper please make sure you have them there. thank you. link of the documentary Spanish conquest —