Do specialized caucuses within Congress, such as the Tea Party and CBC, provide advantages or disadvantages to the political party to which the caucus belongs?

Do specialized caucuses within Congress, such as the Tea Party and CBC, provide advantages or disadvantages to the political party to which the caucus belongs?


Has the Tea Party Caucus helped or hurt he GOP?


Has the CBC helped or hurt the Democratic Party in the House?


Why do presidents so often rely on foreign policy successes to provide a popular boost to their administrations?


Is a Supreme Court justice who shifts back and forth between competing constitutional positions a “fair and open-minded” jurist, or a whimsical, unprincipled court position?


What disadvantages do modern-day pioneers in battles over equality face?  Is the fame they gain for being first worth the price they must pay from their opponents?


Revolving door” laws prohibit public officials from lobbying activities for one year after they leave office.  Do you think one year is a sufficient period of time to discourage public officials from making decisions in office that might affect their future financial gain?


In running for the party’s nomination, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a candidate who has a stronger ideological record?  For example, in the 2012 GOP nomination race, what advantages did Rick Santorum (the stronger socially conservative candidate) have as compared to Mitt Romney?


Can one justify the assassination of foreign leaders (military or otherwise) other than those recognized by the international community to be mass murders?  Are there any foreign leaders in place today whose assassination would be welcome world-wide?  Who are they?