Sport Biomechanics and Injury

This entails a portfolio (learning diary) in which i need to include a written work reflective of my intake from each activity 1-8 and indicative of my engagement in tasks related to that activity. All tasks should be accompanied with graphs and diagrams where necessary.

For Activity 1-4 this will be factual and may lend towards answers to the tasks, activities 5-8 will be more application and reflection based on the content from the tasks. This would be between 250-300 words per activity that would sum up to 2000-2400 words in total.
In this portfolio you need to demonstrate a sound knowledge of biomechanics as a foundation for the understanding the mechanism of injury. You should also reflect a systematic understanding of issues related to sports injury prevention, management and rehabilitation in light of the sport biomechanics principles.

All Activities 1-8 should be included in assignment 1. You may find that your work on Activity 1-4 is very factual and is a presentation of the tasks that you have studied as part of this side of the module. The second section 5-8 is more application with opinion based discussions and critique, therefore you may feel that a 300 paragraph about the content of the tasks and literature you have read gives you a better structure to the work.