Sports theory Analysis

This paper is a 1 page proposal. I will upload a document that explains the assignment, but whatever I type mainly needs to be followed.
*This paper should include your:

Subject: What issue, organization, or team you will analyze for your paper.

Theory: you will use to analyze your subject.

You should write a paragraph that includes a definition, how you understand your theory, or how you will apply your theory to your subject.

You will cite the person or people that invented the theory, and you will cite the scholars that are recognized or became famous applying the theory to sports.

Working Thesis: Your thesis (argument) about what you believe you will find or conclude based on analyzing your subject using a specific theory.

Ex. of a working thesis: By promoting a public image that included tattoos, a sense of fashion, and a “sensitivity” usually performed by women, David Beckham allowed men, especially white male athletes, access to more socially acceptable options for performing masculinity.

APA references should be included after your thesis. The references should include:

Citations for your theory…who invented it, made it famous.

Then citations for your theory and the person that applied it to sports or is famous for applying the theory to sports.

Any other journals or references you plan to use for your paper.
I have typed an exmaple and I will upload an example of Hegemonic masculinity on Nolan Ryan, the article is an example of how it could or should be done.
*in the document, the theories or perspectives you have to choose from are Hegemonic masculinity, risk/ crisis, and intersectionality/ feminism.
Basically writer just has to choose a subject and select one of the theories to use