Stakeholder Proposal

In this assignment, identify a problem from this article (, explain why it is exigent for your audience and propose a new, unique plan to help solve the problem so that you can expand the conversation on the issue. Synthesize at least 3 credible sources that speak about your issue and support your ideas.

Note. Development for Audience
The audience for this proposal will be a stakeholder(groups or people that have something to gain or lose) connected to the issue you choose. In order to best achieve your purpose with your audience, you’ll need to:
Develop your paper by fully explaining the problem, establishing why it is exigent, and plan to help solve the problem;
Carefully consider which stakeholder will need to hear your ideas and which stakeholder has the power to implement the plan you propose;
Appeal to that audience using your understanding of their needs, values, and knowledge about this issue.
Offer evidence from your sources to support your assertions about both the problem and explain how that evidence proves the point you’re trying to make;