The statement that “recruitment of the right personnel for the task is paramount in the attempt to create a business model canvas that will add value to an organization and be sustainable at the same time.”

1. The statement that “recruitment of the right personnel for the task is paramount in the attempt to create a business model canvas that will add value to an organization and be sustainable at the same time.”. There was a quote that was supposedly attributed to a baseball manager when he was asked what made him such a great manager. He reportedly replied, “Great players.” the importance of the recruitment of the right people cannot be underestimated (even if I am unable to validate who supplied the alleged quote!). The model, in each of its sectors, involves the interaction of the common ingredient throughout the canvas–people. What insights can you provide here about what an organization must do to obtain the best recruits. OR, what they SHOULD do to get the best recruits. Response to Ashley 2. The two most fundamental aspects of the canvas include the value being offered and the intended customers. These two aspects are the basis for any business. In order to be successful the value being offered must satisfy the customer’s needs (Stefan, 2014, p.41). Having a clear understanding of the value being created is the first step in the business model process (Euchner, 2014, p.34). If the value proposition changes it can impact how the organization is viewed, both internally and externally. The same could hold true if the customer segments deviated from expectation. Having a current understanding of these two key components of the business model is critical to the success and advancement of the business. With changing markets and in constant competition with others, businesses must be able to adapt and avoid assumptions in order to elude failure. The “Business Model Canvas” provides executives a valuable tool for evaluating assumptions, remaining nimble, and focused. A contemporary study by Heidi Bertels (2015) demonstrated that challenging assumptions in any of the building blocks is a critical aspect of being successful. Any thoughts of approval or disapproval? response to Husted C 3. It is my understanding that Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas provides a visual representation of the current business model. It is then the user’s responsibility to look at the model, identify future business needs, and redesign the model to fit the identified needs. This also allows the user to identify value creation within the agency. The memo attached suggests that the organization needs to develop strategies for defeating the competition. It also suggests that the organization should look towards product development in order to create value. Who does the writer view as competition? Also, as a former employee at a VA Hospital what types of products do you deliver and what types of products are need to meet the future needs of hospital visitors? response to Rebecca’s C qn to me 4. Review the three attached model Canvases . Make your responses to each other as substantive suggestions, questions, comments, or insights gleaned by what was created. Be constructive. [No citation/references required] 5. In the corporate world it is common that employees have no idea that there is a crisis. Remember when Bernie Ebers (CEO of MCI-Worldcom) was arrested for embezzlement. We all read about it in the paper. There had been no preparatory drill, no early warning signs (except for low morale). That entire company (which was the largest telephone company in the world) disappeared. How would you suggest a manager prepare for that type of corporate crisis? Response to Dr. Brook’s qn for me. 6. Experience and knowledge are two of the most important aspects in measuring success. In the crisis planning and preparation phases of drill exercises, experience and knowledge are an asset. These two aspects assist by incorporating real-time scenarios that help to better prepare team players (managers and employees, etc.) in applying skill sets and lessons-learned from prior events. Though, the intent is not to imitate a learned method or skill, but to gain the ability to think on your feet and be flexible to gain the best possible outcome. But then how do you recommend a company prepares for a top executive to embezzle funds? Remember Bernie Madoff? How could you prepare for him? Response to Miriam Williams Please provide one references for questions 1,2,3,5 and 6