
Description of Assignment:  This assignment requires you to analyse and evaluate information and complete the series of task requirements related to factors that influence prejudice and discrimination, be it in thought, belief, opinion, behaviour and actions as individuals or in groups.


  • It is said that stereotypes we hold about the characteristics of a social group can lead to prejudice. What is a stereotype? Give at least two examples to support your explanation. Within your answer you must also explain how stereotypes are formed, their function and how stereotypical beliefs can lead to prejudice (AC 2.1).  
  • What is prejudice? You must include an explanation of some of the different types of prejudice that exist (eg sexism, racism) and discuss how prejudice impacts on the individual (AC 3.1).
  • When people are subject to prejudice, they may then suffer from discrimination in many forms.

What is the relationship between prejudice and discrimination?  Give examples of how the prejudiced groups that you have already discussed may be discriminated against (AC 1.1). You must also assess some of the broader sweeping effects of prejudice and discrimination on the individual and society (AC4.1)

  • Using your knowledge of the main research into prejudice, examine the nature of discrimination and prejudice, making reference to at least two different psychological theories of prejudice (AC 4.1). (1,200 words in total)

Theories that will be covered in this unit are:

Social Learning Theory (Bandura, 1977)

Social Identity Theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1979)

The Robber’s Cave – Realistic Conflict Theory (Sherif, 1954, 1968, 1961)

Authoritarian Personality Theory (Adorno, 1950)