What strategies might a creative-minded leader use to implement organizational change? Why?

What strategies might a creative-minded leader use to implement organizational change? Why?


The first thing a creative leader should do is communicate the rationale behind the need for change to the employees-the employer should communicate clearly why the change is required and the benefits that come with change. This will motivate employees to embrace the change whole heartily involve employees completely or at some level especially those changes that involve how employees perform the duties. This will help in smooth change. The third point is implementation, the time line should be well communicated to the employees, for instance if the organization is changing the software the employees should be trained before the due day. Ensure follow up of change, once the change has been implemented it is good to make follow up and see how the change is working and if it delivers the desired results. Ensure to remove barriers because once change has been implemented it is wise to find ways to deal with barriers or remove them completely to make sure you have better results





Anderson, R. J., Adams, W. A. (2016). Master Leadership: An Integrated Framework for Breakthrough Performance and Extraordinary Business Results.  John Wiley & Sons, Inc.