Student Services Area Paper focus on At-Risk Students

Learn about an area of Student Services that you do not work with on a regular basis. Academic Advising Center

1. Observe a Student Service area that you do NOT work in that focuses on AT-RISK STUDENTS. (Academic Advising center)
2. Interview someone in the department to find out the following: (a) department purpose, (b) placement within the Student Services division, (c) department goals and objectives, (d) activities of the department, (e) description of the students served, (f) student learning outcomes (if they have articulated them), (g) how they assess their department (if you can determine this).
3. Consult outside sources (Journal Articles, Websites, Books, etc.) that provide information on this Student Service areas.
4. Write a paper articulating the information you gathered while observing, interviewing, and reviewing the literature. Provide a comparison of the observation and interview to the literature.
Interview, Observations, paper outline, and 2 (out of 4) required references attached below.