Students will identify a selected faculty-approved topic, collect information regarding best practice, judge the quality of the evidence, analyze the information, and form conclusions and practice recommendations

This assignment provides students opportunities working in small groups to examine nursing focused interventions pertinent to critical care areas. Students will identify a selected faculty-approved topic, collect information regarding best practice, judge the quality of the evidence, analyze the information, and form conclusions and practice recommendations. Electronic presentations should focus on current evidence based research in nursing practice. Students will research and present an organized, logical analysis of information and will make recommendations for nursing practice.
Criteria for Development 1. Select a nursing focused topic pertinent to critical care areas 2. Analyze evidence concerning the selected intervention 3. Construct a presentation in a clear, logical manner 4. Make conclusions and make recommendation for practice

Criteria for Grading Faculty and Peer Evaluation Points Inclusion of appropriate background information and evidence 20 Organized logical analysis of information with clear, concise, objective data 20 Conclusions and recommendations for practice 20 Documentation of evidence within presentation and reference list, APA style 15 Presentation style