Survey of Political Theory

Explain Machiavelli’s political philosophy as it pertains to power, the Prince/ Sovereign/government, and the people. Compare this to Rousseau’s conception of sovereignty, the social contract, and the relationship between political power of the Prince/ Sovereign / government and the people? In conclusion , suggest whose concept of alienation Machiavelli would most agree with : Rousseau’s or Marx’s —————————————————– -I would like my paper to have an agreeing approach to Jean Jacques Rousseau from Machiavelli’s view point. ( However if Karls Marx position is more agreeable to Machiavelli’s the Jean Jacques Rousseau then please make that alteration.) – The paper must be single space, size 10 font —————————————- Write an essay (5-7 pages on the question provided below. Your paper should be well organized, coherent, and clearly address the required material in the question . Analysis and strength of argument will be an important part of the grading process: I want to see how well you understand and asses the subject matter. -Make sure that the position you take and the argument you make are strongly supported by logical analysis, facts, and example/ citations from the readings. I do not want mere opinions. I want analytical arguments supported and justified by evidence and logical consistency. You are not permitted to consult outside sources. Concentrate only on the assigned readings from class. —————————————- Assigned Readings: – Machiavelli : The Prince -Jean Jacques Rousseau : The social Contract -Karl Marx: Selected Writtings