Teaching language through literature

1.Context – level, age, etc. of class you would use this for. Level etc. material is aimed at
2. Use the criteria for evaluating the material for the context chosen. With reference to approaches to teaching literature that we have studied, evaluate the materials in terms of their effectiveness in dealing with:
a) language awareness, including literary /representational language
b) cultural understanding
c) the fifth skill
3. Come to a conclusion – to what extent would it be useful for the class in the context chosen and how you would adjust your chosen material to the context.
4. attach the chosen materials in appendices
Be critical, show reading.
See criteria below

High Merit

68 • Discussion is directly relevant to the title and covers a wide range of valid points
• The essay demonstrates good critical awareness and analysis
• There is confident understanding of the subject.
• Occasional weaknesses of structure are apparent, but the text is still largely coherent and logical.
• Citations are consistent and correctly formatted with a substantial and accurate Bibliography
• There are very few grammatical or spelling errors and the language used reveals a good command of the appropriate lexis and register.

Mid Merit


Low Merit

High Pass

• Discussion addresses the title but is less focussed at times with some omissions or inconsistencies
• The essay demonstrates satisfactory critical awareness and analysis
• There is appropriate understanding of the subject.
• A recognisable structure is apparent
• Citations are largely consistent and mostly accurate with a satisfactory and mostly accurate Bibliography
• There may be some grammatical, word choice, or spelling errors but the language used reveals a largely appropriate command of lexis and register.