TED Talk Critique

The Case for Engineering our Food (25 pts)

You will listen to a recent TED talk about one controversial approach to combating global hunger and malnutrition: genetically engineered (GE) foods. The link to the video is below:

Pamela Ronald: The Case for Engineering our Food http://www.ted.com/talks/pamela_ronald_the_case_for_engineering_our_food#t-844296

You will turn in a written critique of the talk and discuss the talks in class. The critique is due on L11 (4/12) via Canvas submission before class begins. No late assignments will be accepted without prior approval. Do not turn in a hard copy.

Written critique: Note that the number of points assigned to each question reflects the relative amount of text and thought you should dedicate to each one.

Answer the following questions and submit your answers to Canvas (max 3 pages double-spaced, 600-800 words). Please number your answers and use your own words.

Provide background information on the speaker, as made available from the TED website. What are her credentials? (2 pts)
Briefly describe two or three techniques breeders have traditionally used to manipulate the characteristics of agricultural plants. Hint: these are techniques that do not require a scientific laboratory and have been in use for a long time. (3 pts)
What are some of the arguments for (in favor of), and/or benefits of, genetic engineering of plants in general? Then, describe 3 specific examples of crops successfully enhanced by GE. (10 pts)
What is the scientific consensus (conclusions from scientists) regarding the safety of GE foods? (3 pts)
Provide some of your own opinions regarding the speaker’s suggestions. Do you agree or disagree with any of these main points? Do you think they are feasible and would be effective? Can you think of any arguments against these suggestions? (7 pts)