Tell us about something that really sparks your intellectual interest and curiosity and compels you to explore more. It could be an idea, book, project, cultural activity, work of art, start-up, music, movie, research, innovation, question, or other pursuit.  

Tell us about something that really sparks your intellectual interest and curiosity and compels you to explore more. It could be an idea, book, project, cultural activity, work of art, start-up, music, movie, research, innovation, question, or other pursuit.


My goal to become a cultural (Islamic) anthropologist arose from my renewed faith in Islam. Previously, I bordered on being agnostic. I saw my moderately religious parents pray once a week on Fridays and fast during Ramadan, though the Qur’an dictates that Muslims should pray five times daily and always maintain purity.

Like most people post 9/11, I viewed Muslims as egoistic, narrow-minded, self-serving, and uncivilized fundamentalists who acted impulsively, failed to use their brains, and blamed others for their problems without realizing that they created problems for themselves. They also never understood what was written in the Qur’an.

Today, I understand that there are no good or bad religions, but people tarnish them. I would like to change this by learning the language of the Qur’an (Arabic) and understanding the book’s deeper meaning. I aim to follow the way of life of the Prophet Muhammad (Sunnah), an example of a good Muslim and human being, while restoring Muslims to true Islam, as I feel that religious clerics have failed to address the rising disconnect between Muslims and Islam.

As a cultural anthropologist, I hope to study and understand Muslims worldwide and to offer guidance based on my knowledge of the Qur’an, anthropology, and its related subjects, which are applicable to both religious and nonreligious matters encountered in our daily lives. Although my ubiquitous ideas will need extensive fine-tuning, the associated tasks will be difficult, and I will face numerous hurdles, I am determined to bring my goals to fruition.