Temple of Aphaia Aegina

Description: For this assignment, you will analyze an
architecturally-interesting building or structure from the
time period and cultures covered in Unit Two. Essays
that do not focus on a building / structure from the Unit
time period will receive a zero.
Your discussion board post should be in the form of an
essay with multiple paragraphs, grammatically-correct
sentences, and sources cited appropriately (any citation
style is okay).
The length of the assignment should be the equivalent of about two typed, double-spaced pages. It is more
important to cover the required components rather than to worry about length.
Components: In the first paragraph, tell the reader about the building. What is its title? Who was the artist /
architect? Is it still standing? Where is it / was it? What is its condition? Where did you view it (give specifics:
in suchandsuch textbook on page soandso or on the internet at suchandsuch address or at soandso museum on
suchandsuch date)? When was its composition? What does it look like (you might include an image of it,
though make sure you cite it!)?
Then, in a series of body paragraphs, address as many of the following categories as relevant to the building
(note, most of the time, all of these are relevant and should be discussed; use the words below as you talk about
their elements):• Structure: What is the structure of the example? How do the elements you can see suggest how
the building is supported? • Materials: What materials have been used in the construction? How have various
materials been combined to form the structure and decorative elements? • Scale and proportion: How does the
size of the building relate to the human form / size? What emotional sensations result from the scale? How do
each of the elements of the example relate to each other in terms of the proportions? • Context: How does the
building explore its context? What is the environment in which the building stands / stood? Do the buildings /
terrain around it harmonize or conflict with the design elements? • Space: How are interior spaces designed?
How are the interior spaces reflected in the exterior design of the building—if at all? In what manner does the
design of the interior result in traffic patterns that may be advantageous or disadvantageous to the intent of the
building? • Climate: Does the building make any accommodations to the climate? How does the building create
shelter from the elements?
The concluding paragraph should be your Reaction: how do the previous elements combine to create a reaction
in you? In other words, what draws your attention? What is your emotional response to the work, and what do
you think causes the response?
Questions were taken from page 30-31 of the Artsguide: World and Web by Dennis Sporre (2004).