In terms of countries in the present or in the past, which country do you think exhibits the dystopian ideals of Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell. 

Final Exam QUESTIONS: In terms of countries in the present or in the past, which country do you think exhibits the dystopian ideals of Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell.  Use the information below from the book and write a cohesive 3-5 page paper illustrating your choice.


  • State of Perpetual War

Zones of Influence

USSR Conquers Europe

Atomic Bombs

Oceania – Western Hemisphere, British Isles, Australasia, Southern Africa

Eurasia – Continental Europe, Russia (Including Siberia)

Eastasia – China, Japan, Korea, Indochina


  • Totalitarian Government (Dystopia/Oceania)

Nationalism (Populism)

Government Lying to Public

Invented Government Language

Ministry of Peace (War and Defense)

Ministry of Plenty (Rationing and Starvation)

Ministry of Love (Torture and Brainwashing)

Ministry of Truth (Propaganda)

Unpersons (Vaporized/Killed or No Memories)

Children Inform on Parents


  • Big Brother

Cult-like Personality

Re-writing History




Images of Big Brother


  • Class Differences

Upper-Class Inner Party – Elite Ruling Party (2% of Population)

Middle-Class (13% of Population)

Lower-Class (Proles/Proletariat/85% of Population)

Oily Gin (To Keep Sedated), Cigarettes, Synthetic Foodstuffs

Living Standard (Poverty, Hunger, Disease, and Filth)


  • Government Surveillance


Thought Police



  • The Brotherhood (Rebellion From Middle and Lower Classes)