Texas Government

  • Paper prompt: Research topic is open for this assignment. You have freedom to design your own research question that best reflects Your interests in the subject of Texas Government and Politics. In this class we are covering a variety of topics and themes, and since this is a survey course, we are not able to go in-depth on most of them. Reflect, what would you like to educate yourself about in greater depth? In what area would you like to gain greater expertise? This is what your research paper will be about. Your paper must be 7 pages long, not including works cited page, double-spaced, Times New Roman, page numbered, 1-inch margins, and 12 font. Please, use APA citing format in your paper. Use academic, professional writing style. This means, avoid slang, ranting, and social media lingo. Your essay must follow the basic structure of essay writing: have a clear thesis statement, introduction, body of your argument with supporting claims, and conclusion. You should use a minimum of 5 different sources. These sources must be formal, credible, reliable, and trustworthy. At least 3 of these sources must be scholarly sources.