What is the text trying to persuade the audience to think or do? How does it perform this persuasion? How does the use of rhetorical devices, used in argumentative form, contribute to this goal?

Rhetorical Analysis Essay

The guiding questions of your analysis thesis should
be these: What is the text trying to persuade the audience to think or do? How does it
perform this persuasion? How does the use of rhetorical devices, used in argumentative
form, contribute to this goal?

Demonstrate rhetorical awareness of audience.
• Draw connections at the level of ideas across multiple texts
• Defend a position in relation to the range of ideas surrounding a topic
• Demonstrate knowledge of writing as a process.
• Demonstrate sentence-level correctness.
• Proficiency with elements of narrative and description
• A clearly explained insight
• Organization, focus, and balance of narrative, description, and insight
• Grammatical Correctness

include a one-page cover letter, describing your process and experience completing the
stages of the assignment.