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Annotated Bibliography: Instructions

About the Annotated Bibliography

Students will complete an Annotated Bibliography to demonstrate familiarity with academic research and referencing practices. Students will conduct the Annotated Bibliography on their own choice of topic, related to one or more of the areas covered in MAS110.

Due: 5:00pm Sunday, Week 7
Weight: 30%
Length: 1000 words +/- 10%, not including references

The Annotated Bibliography should be uploaded as a PDF or Word document. Other formats may not be processed by Turnitin.

What to include

An introduction to your topic/case study
A discussion (‘annotation’) of 4 academic sources (2 from MAS110, 2 original), including an evaluation of each text and its authority, explanation of each text’s relevance to your topic/case study, and its relevance to other texts
A conclusion evaluating the literature, including strengths/weaknesses and gaps
In-text and end-text references in APA style

Required research

2 academic sources from MAS110 (either set readings or mentioned in lectures)
2 original academic sources (not used in MAS110) that you have found through independent research
The submitted Annotated Bibliography should also include the student name, student number, tutor’s name, and tutorial time at the top of the document.

Academic sources from MAS110 include set readings and sources discussed in lectures. For a full list of the sources discussed in each lecture, check the “Works and authors cited” link below the lecture videos for each week.

Assessment criteria

Suitability of topic and relation to MAS110 concepts
Engagement with literature and relevance to topic, using at least 4 academic sources (2 from MAS110, 2 original)
Accuracy of APA referencing
Writing style and presentation