Think of your favorite place on Earth. Write an essay describing the location while telling the reader a story of an experience you had in that spot.

Think of your favorite place on Earth. Write an essay describing the location while
telling the reader a story of an experience you had in that spot.
Use the following guidelines:
 Use concrete language.
 Use description to appeal to the senses.
 Tell a story of an experience you had to the reader.
 Develop an essay using description and narration as the modes of development.
 Use correct writing organizational structure to:
 Create an appealing attention getter and a complete introduction paragraph
ending with a strong thesis statement.
 Use specific/detailed support to develop at least two body paragraphs that
include detailed description of your selected place while sharing your story.
 Create a complete conclusion paragraph.
 Develop an essay written in first person (I, me). Do not use second person (you,
 Develop a final paper that is approximately 2 pages in length.
Your paper must follow these formatting guidelines:
 Times New Roman Font
 12 point text
 1” margins
 Double-spaced