Why do you think schedule issues often cause the most conflicts on projects? Why is defining activities the first process involved in project time management? Why is it important to determine activity sequencing on projects? Explain the following schedule development tools and concepts: Gantt charts, critical path method, PERT, and critical chain scheduling.

  1. Discussion 3.1 – Scheduling and Time (continued)one page and 3 resources
    Why do you think schedule issues often cause the most conflicts on projects? Why is defining activities the first process involved in project time management? Why is it important to determine activity sequencing on projects? Explain the following schedule development tools and concepts: Gantt charts, critical path method, PERT, and critical chain scheduling.


  1. Discussion 5.1 –  Cost Managementone page and 3 resources
    Explain some of the basic principles of cost management, such as profits, life cycle costs, tangible and intangible costs and benefits, direct and indirect costs, reserves, and so on.

    Give examples of when you would prepare rough order of magnitude (ROM), budgetary, and definitive cost estimates for an information technology project. Give an example of how you would use each of the following techniques for creating a cost estimate: analogous, parametric, and bottom-up.

  2. Discussion 7.1 – Theories one page and 3 resources
    Briefly summarize the works of Maslow, Herzberg, McClelland, McGregor, Ouchi, Thamhain and Wilemon, and Covey. How do their theories relate to project management?

    Discussion 7.2 – IT Job Market   one page and 3 resources
    Discuss the changes in the job market for information technology workers. How does the job market and current state of the economy affect human resource management? How would you apply the theories listed above in your own career as an IT project manager?



For this I had attach 2 paper

One is project and risk and other os risk management and software devlopement

  1. Discussion 9.1 – Risk in IT Projects one page and 3 resources (for this I had two paper that help to understand see attachment)
    Discuss the common sources of risk on information technology projects and suggestions for managing them. Which suggestions do you find most useful? Which do you feel would not work in your organization? Why?

    List the tools and techniques for performing risk monitoring and control. Have you ever used any of these tools on projects in your organization?

    How can you use Excel to assist in project risk management? What other software can help project teams make better risk management decisions?.