Thomas Paine Common Sense Discussion Questions

Thomas Paine Common Sense Discussion Question: 1. According, to Paine, what is the difference between society and government? 2.What is the meaning of “liberty” and “equality” in Paine’s thought? 3. What is the relationship between “liberty and equality”? 4. According to Paine, why is there a need for regulations and government in general? 5. Why does Paine consider the English monarchy to be ineffective? 6. What does Paine think that America will gain by separating from England? 7. List the reasons why Paine thinks independence is necessary. 8. What is the “most powerful of all augments” for independence? 9. For Paine, what is the relationship between law and liberty? 10. How does Paine answer the question, “Where is the king of America”? 11. What do you learn from reading this assignment? (Only type your opinion for this question.) Answer the above questions. Each question is worth 10 points. You must answer each question with 5 sentences. Anything more or less will result in an automatic a 5 point deductions per question. Be precise, direct, and straight to the point. You will earn a “0” for rambling and repetition per question. You do not have to write in essay format, please answer each question in complete connecting sentences. DO NOT RESTATE THE QUESTION OR REPHRASE THE QUESTION IN YOUR ANSWER, this will result in a 5 point deduction per question. An automatic 5 points will be deduction from each question for any grammar error. Do NOT quote, do not use citations, please answer each question in your own words. Avoid the following phrases: “I think” or “I agree,” or any statements that reference your opinion. This is not an opinion assignment, such will result in a 5 point deduction from each question. Your opinion is only required for question #11. In a MS Word document, number and retype each question in this discussion. After you have retyped each question in Times New Roman 12 font, double space twice (enter twice) and then type the answer. Follow this format when answering each question. When answering each question please type in Times New Roman 12 font, using 1.5 line spacing when answering each question. If the line spacing or the type font is incorrect, 20 points will be deducted off the overall assignment.