Today’s Media is UnBaise or Baise

It is a Discussion assignment for my Poli Sci class so it is open minded no right or wrong answer. It only has to be a minimum of 200 words per question only 2 question that is all. The question follows: (A) At the time of the Founders and today in many countries like Great Britain, the media is openly biased. Today our media claims to be unbiased. Is it unbiased? Should we return to the system where the media proclaims itself to be the newspaper for liberals or the channel for conservatives? Why or why not? (B) The Founders guaranteed a free press to be a check and balance on government. Is it doing its job? Is it telling us what the government is doing right or wrong? Is it telling us about the problems of our society and the world? Is it telling us too much about the personal lives of candidates and their families? I need it by 9 am tomorrow sorry.