
Legal advice in essay format. 1500 words. I attached the example of the assignment with this order. the topics covers topics1-4 on page 4 on unit outline.Topic 1: Contract formation
1. Agreement – Offer
2. Agreement- Acceptance
3. Consideration
4. Introduction to promissory estoppel
5. Intention to create legal relations
6. Certainty / Completeness
Topic 2: Parties to the contract
1. Privity
2. Mental capacity
Topic 3: Terms of the contract
1. Express terms
2. Extrinsic evidence
3. Implied terms
4. Interpretation/ Construction / Classification
5. Exclusion clauses
Topic 4: Enforceability
1. Formalities/Part performance
2. Statutory illegality
3. Common law illegality / Public policy
4. Consequences of illegality

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asessment>assessment information and resources>Legal Problem Solving resources: Including Tony and Edna> all examples and how to do it
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