Trends and Issues in Nursing and Health System

Issues are often value laden; issues in health care and in nursing are no different. Concerns about the state of our health care system and the state of nursing in Canada have been discussed at length within the media, government, and nursing organizations. While it is often difficult to differentiate fact from fiction and opinion, public opinion is often influenced by what is written in the popular press or on the Internet

  • Find three articles on the same issue/topic.
    • One of the articles must be from a popular periodical or media source, preferably something you may have at home (such as Macleans, Time, Reader’s Digest, or your local newspaper – either print based or online version) or CBC, CTV, or CNN online articles.
    • Your second article must be from a scholarly periodical either print version [e.g. The Canadian Nurse] or retrieved from a database [e.g. AU Library, CINAHL, Medline, etc.].
    • The third article must be from a Web site that is not merely a Web version of a print source. The articles should represent a range of views; in other words, these articles  should not all agree.
  • The introduction includes a thesis that prepares your reader for the general topic the articles address, the issues they raise, and the position you will be taking.
  • Summarize each article separately by stating in your own words the important information presented in each article and any arguments the authors make.
    • Do not paraphrase the whole article; present the main points briefly—each summary should be one paragraph long, two at the most.
    • When summarizing, it is not appropriate to dwell on extended examples (such as personal case histories or stories); you do not need to summarize complex statistical parts of a study.
    • You should focus on the main ideas and issues discussed. You could briefly refer to any specific personal stories or statistical sections of the piece (using one or two sentences).
  • Respond to the three articles by:
    • comparing the authors’ credibility, documentation, and support for claims;
    • evaluating any disagreements or agreements between the authors;
    • articulating your own position on their ideas or issues. This means more than just stating your opinion; you must also explain it.
  • Describe how your personal and professional values influence your views on this issue.
  • Document your sources using correct APA style. This paper adheres to a 6 page limit excluding reference and title pages.