True Fellowship in Community


God created human beings in a way that they will live in a community. He created both males and females who reflected his own personal image (Donne, 2008). Just in the same way the God existed as a trinity as the God the father, the son and the spirit, he intended human beings to embrace his fellowship. The work will basically discuss the human community in our society ad the benefits of human beings fellowshipping together in a community.

How fellowship in a community is different from the true fellowship

Fellowship commonly experienced during the coffee hour and church potluck suppers is different from what is required to be experienced in the genuine community. During these fellowships people usually share whatever they possess according to social class and family ties (Lucado, 2012). Nevertheless, the fellowship do not have a true reflection of togetherness in the community because the less privileged in the society are usually isolated.

Small groups are effective means for experiencing fellowship in the community

Small groups in the community are effective means of experiencing God grace because the members within these units will be in a position to share their life experience and encourage each other. They will be more attached to each others problems than a large group (Donne, 2008). Through a small group God manages to interject divine power within the group and the members reflects Godly traits to each other. For the small group to be effective, a number of dynamics such as love for one another, peace, humility, unity and honesty must be in existence.


How my participation in a small group in a community enriched my life

Participating is a small group in the community has enriched my growth in grace because I have come to understand the importance of sharing with one another. Given that we are created differently and with different potentials by God, I have realized that we all need each other in order to survive. My grace has grown through small groups’ fellowship because I have learnt that giving or sharing with one another is not that one must possess a lot but it is from the heart (Lucado, 2012). The small groups have transformed my life as I am able to practice the true virtues of fellowship such as being honest, trustworthy, humble and faithful in whatever I participate.

The difference between being friendly but surface encounters and genuine fellowship

Genuine fellowship means sharing with one another during the good times and during the hard times. It is all about mourning with one another when one mourns and laughing with one another during the laughter times (Lucado, 2012). On the other hand, friendly but friendly encounters is only being in friendship during good times but escaping each other during hard times in life.

The value of participating in a life on life

The value of participating in a life on life experience is that people will be in a position to lift the lives of the less privileged groups of people in the society. The experience will be a good experience of exercising God’s virtues to one another such as love, humility, trustworthiness and being faithful with one another (William, 2013). It is an occasion of true reflection of who God is and what people ought to do in order to follow the true fellowship as God intended human being to be during His creation.


How my participation in small group has been of great importance to my spiritual growth

Through my participation in the small groups in the society I have managed to be socially active. I have been able to deepen by life in Christ as I have realized that I have to be a mediator in God’s creation. I have come to understand that sharing is an important virtue towards ones spiritual growth. Moreover, it is hard for me to attain spiritual growth without living with one another in the community.


Donne, J. (2008).”In Devotions upon Emergent Occasions.” Oxford University Press.

William, J. (2013).The Centrality of the Will or Heart Christian Spiritual Formation. New York publishers.

Lucado, A.(2012). Fearless: Imagine your life without Fear. Ashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.