The True Flag Paper Directions

The True Flag Paper Directions
Structure directions:
 The paper will be in a computer-generated format written in standard essay form. Students must use
complete sentences and paragraphs in their essays. The paper will be double-spaced, Times New
Roman or comparable format, 12 point font, one inch margins all around. Do not skip lines between
paragraphs. Indent paragraphs.
 Students need to include a cover sheet with their name, the course, the title of the book, and the date.
Without a cover sheet, students will lose half of a letter grade. A works cited page is optional for this
 The essays will be a minimum of three full pages in length. The professor will compute the length of
the paper by starting from the first line of writing on the first page and ending with the last line of
writing on the last page. Failing to meet page lengths will result in a failing grade. The paper is limited
to five full pages, excluding the cover sheet. Additional papers will go unread.
 Each paper is worth 50 points towards the student’s final grade.
 Students will submit all papers through a drop box contained within the Desire2Learn
course page. Students may submit late work. Late work will receive a 10% grade reduction per
calendar day.
 Student may not use any sources other than The True Flag book for this assignment. Students who use
other sources including any internet sites will receive a zero for this assignment.
Writing directions:
 The professor will check all papers for plagiarism using and will grade all papers for
grammar/spelling mistakes.
 Students must incorporate material from all parts of the book and answer all parts of the question.
 Students must provide specific examples in their papers and students must provide analysis and
explanations for the statements in the paper.
 All direct quotations must contain a citation from the book explaining where you obtained that
material. (Kinzer, 72) Students may refrain from citing paraphrased material in this assignment.
 The Academic Success Center (Learning Commons – 2nd Floor) offers free tutoring for all disciplines.
Their website is The Writing Center (LRNC 206) will go
over student papers for grammar and spelling as well as content. Bring the directions with the rough
draft when seeking assistance.
Plagiarism is unacceptable for any reason.
 Plagiarism means the use of someone else’s words or ideas without attribution. Examples of plagiarism
include, but are not limited to, directly copying material from a book or textbook either with or without
attribution, cutting and pasting material from on-line sources including and,
and/or purchasing or downloading papers from internet sites.
 Students who plagiarize will suffer harsh penalties. The professor in keeping with LSC guidelines will
decide the penalty. Penalties will begin with a zero for the assignment and may include failure for
the class. The professor will accept no excuses for plagiarism at any time.
The question sets are located on the next page.
Select one of the following questions and answer all parts of it completely.
1) You are a newspaper reporter in 1912 writing a story about imperialism. Compare and contrast the
imperialists and the anti-imperialists in your story.
 Examine at least three major people from each side in this debate. Explain how and why they came to
hold their views about imperialism and anti-imperialism.
 Explain at least three major arguments for imperialism and three major arguments against
imperialism. Explain the evidence and ideas contained in each side such as race, religion, politics, and
scientific ideas.
 Examine the Spanish American War. Explain how the war strengthened or weakened the two sides in
this debate. Use specific materials and events in this analysis.
 Examine the Philippine American War. Explain how the war strengthened or weakened the two sides
in this debate. Use specific materials and events in this analysis.
 Demonstrate how the debate about imperialism influenced politics in the Gilded Age and Progressive
Era (1865-1912). Explain how Democrats and Republicans viewed imperialism and explain why the
parties divided over this matter.
 Examine how the debate changed over time for the imperialism. Assess, for 1912, which is the
strongest case for imperialism or anti-imperialism, and explain why Americans should follow that side
in the debate in your opinion.
2) You are either an imperialist or an anti-imperialist in 1912. Write a letter explaining both your views and
criticizing your opponents’ views to your friend.
 Examine at least three major people from each side in this debate. Explain how and why they came to
hold their views about imperialism and anti-imperialism.
 Explain at least three major arguments for imperialism and three major arguments against
imperialism. Explain the evidence and ideas contained in each side such as race, religion, politics, and
scientific ideas.
 Examine the Spanish American War. Explain how the war strengthened or weakened the two sides in
this debate. Use specific materials and events in this analysis.
 Examine the Philippine American War. Explain how the war strengthened or weakened the two sides
in this debate. Use specific materials and events in this analysis.
 Demonstrate how the debate about imperialism influenced politics in the Gilded Age and Progressive
Era (1865-1912). Explain how Democrats and Republicans viewed imperialism and explain why the
parties divided over this matter.
 Examine how the debate changed over time for the imperialism. Assess, for 1912, which is the
strongest case for imperialism or anti-imperialism, and explain why Americans should follow that side
in the debate in your opinion.